Humidity during drying.


Well-Known Member
Would it be better to have it in a warm closet while drying with the humidity in the area being around 80%, or would it be better to go outside (at night) with the humidity as stated at 80%.

The humidity wont be as high in the closet, except when the buds lose that water right?
I open the door every few hours and fan the air out with the door.

I cut the stalk at the base and all my buds are still on the entire plant how long should it take to dry?

I don't think mold should be a big issue right at least not for the drying part? Last year my bud molded due to not drying long enough, and jarring to early. It took at least 2 weeks for that to even come about though.


Well-Known Member
Temp should be 70 and humidity around 60-65. In that range your looking at 5-8 days of drying. With humidity above 80 your looking at 8-14 days. But when you cure you want 55-65 humidity in your jars. In most cases if you are at 80 now your not going to get to 65. And mold will set when Jared. You need a fan blowing in the closet but not on the buds.


Well-Known Member
I just checked my indoor dry room its around 77' but the humidity is at 33% I have to add a humidifier to raise it and put it on a timer. If I don't my buds will be dry in 3 days and I won't get the proper results.


New Member
Drying environment is wide.

Temps from 68-84 Humidity from 40-70%.

DO NOT put bud outside.

Just make sure you have a fan blowing lightly against the wall or at the ceiling in the room you are using to dry.

I DO NOT follow the rule of the stems must break when bent before I begin cure in glass mason jars, I begin cure when they almost break from bending. If you open the mason jars every 6-8 hours even bud that isn't fully dry will be fine. Do this fro 3-4 days then open less often for less time.


Well-Known Member
80%rh is not gonna work. it doesn't matter where you hang them. it has to come down.
Well that's what the humidity says it is in our area. I'm sure it's not that at our house. I don't know. After three days they're significantly smaller, lost all the green pigment, and feel a little spongy feeling to the touch. I think it's drying pretty good so far. It's looking great I'll take it off the main stalk in a day, or two to try and get them to dry out a bit faster. Hopefully I'll have a hygrometer in a day, or two.


Well-Known Member
Go to wal-mart and buy an acu-rite temp/hydrometer. When I bought it, it was about 8-9 bucks. RH and temp are very important at this stage. Would suck to have grown for that long only to get mold in your buds right before you smoke them. You can't smoke any buds with mold in it.

That being said the humidity in your area is probably based off the outside RH. If you any any type of air movement(a/c, fans, etc) it should be lower. Just make sure you have a fan near the buds, but not blowing direction on em.


Well-Known Member
Would it be better to have it in a warm closet while drying with the humidity in the area being around 80%, or would it be better to go outside (at night) with the humidity as stated at 80%.

The humidity wont be as high in the closet, except when the buds lose that water right?
I open the door every few hours and fan the air out with the door.

I cut the stalk at the base and all my buds are still on the entire plant how long should it take to dry?

I don't think mold should be a big issue right at least not for the drying part? Last year my bud molded due to not drying long enough, and jarring to early. It took at least 2 weeks for that to even come about though.
Yes in theory but also depends how much you are hanging in that given space. I usually divide the plant in portions off main branches. Easier to dry and monitor your harvest in portions rather that having a shrub on the line. If you meet the requirements of cure about 65-75 degrees and humidity levels of 45-55 %, it should only take several days also depends how much volume you are trying to dry in your closet.


Well-Known Member
It's been 3 days, and like I said in a previous post the buds have shrinked, lost their pigment, and dried out a little bit to where I'd describe the buds as having a spongy type of feel. I chopped off the tops, down to where the buds turn into popcorn buds. Kept all the popcorn buds on the stalk so they wouldn't dry out as fast as the tops. I'll put an update on day 6, and let you know what point their at. If they're not done by then I will put them in a cardboard box to dry them out for jarring.

As the plant started to flower it started to lose all it's older fan leaves, and most of the leaves that were left at the end of flowering were greenish yellow. I put it in a closet for 18 hours then gave it another day of light then put it in the closet again for 24 hours. Trying to get it to sap everything from the leaves. I sampled one of the popcorn buds and it's amazingly smooth. I'll post pics of the bud after drying.

I don't have any pre-harvest pics. I have two indicas that flowered early though I will put pictures of those up sometime, and I'll know how to dry, and cure properly after this one, so yay.


Well-Known Member
Alright I bought a hygrometer from walmart. 10 dollar model. I don't have any jars, because mason jars come in packs, and a single doesn't exist. The humidity inside our house is like 71 is the last I remember. I'm using a plastic coffee mate creamer jug. It's big enough to fit a toilet paper roll in, and fits the hygrometer at the same time. Which brings me to lowering the humidity to let the bud count up in the container to see how wet it is. I got it down to 55% with a toilet paper roll. Now I'm letting the buds sit in the container. I'll let you know what it reads, and I'll show some pictures.

Smoke is so smooth it's unbelievable. It smokes like nugs. It's random bagseed, but the bag I got it from was awesome even though it wasn't nugs. Pure sativa. I so wanted one of my plants to hermie to impregnate it, or to impregnate my other plants. So sad now lol.


Well-Known Member
Alright humidity inside a container with the bud was at 82% How long should I dry for? Temps outside are 81 like it matters now, or I can do anything about it. Humidity on my hygrometer is 76, but the weather site says it's 79 percent here.


Well-Known Member
80% is way too high, you're at definite risk of mold that high. So is 76%. Try to get it down into the low to mid 60s at least. At 80% you may want to dry a bit longer. Also consider getting a fan to move air around(not on) the plants when you dry. Ignore what the weather website says unless you live in a shack or something. They're looking at the outside temp and RH, not inside someones house. Temps outside don't matter, but I wouldn't want anything higher than 80F inside. If outside is 81F and you run a/c you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
I got the humidity in the room down to 57 using an air conditioner. Humidity of bud inside the jar is reading 70, so I'm letting it dry for a while longer. What am I shooting for when I jar it 60% humidity? What if the bud only fills up half the jar? And does it matter much that the bud covers the hygrometer?


Well-Known Member

There's some pics for ya. Soo much better, and more than my plant last year

It's kind of leafy, but it's just as good as any nug I've ever smoked. I'm so sad I don't have more seeds, and none of my plants hermied :( lol


Well-Known Member
I got the humidity in the room down to 57 using an air conditioner. Humidity of bud inside the jar is reading 70, so I'm letting it dry for a while longer. What am I shooting for when I jar it 60% humidity? What if the bud only fills up half the jar? And does it matter much that the bud covers the hygrometer?
In order: 60-65% RH, that's fine if it fills up only half, you still want the same RH and no.
If you're drying, put your hygrometer where ever you're drying and wait till it gets down to 65% then you're ok to jar. Make sure you have a fan or something moving air where you're drying. Helps prevent mold and speeds up the drying process.

Buds look very nice, personally I would of cut a bit closer and made hash out of the trimmings.


Well-Known Member
The leaves were covered in trichs I didn't want to have to buy some iso alcohol to make it. I wanted as many trichs as I coul I don't have any other way to make it. However the scissors are going to be coated that I use to cut my bowls up with. It's really the smoothest smoke I've ever smoked. I attribute this to the fact that all the leaves were yellow green, and all the fan leaves except the top few had fallen off. It had a bunch of the smaller looking fan leaves, but only the sugar leaves were green, and of course the bud itself. I hardly trimmed it.


Well-Known Member
Their's a lizard on my other two plants that are flowering. I'm not worried about him eating anything I just don't want him to be stoned out of his mind, and not able to leave lol. Do you think the plant's doing the lizard any harm? It's been on there for a few hours.

I'll put a picture of him later.


Well-Known Member
One thing that should be noted when the RH is lower outside the jar like 56 that's what I got it down to with the ac.
The rh inside the jar will be lower as well. My buds were reading 71, or 70 in the jar when the RH was 56 in the room.

I had to stop using the AC, well open the door which doesn't help the rh at all. Changed fast. Especially when the RH skyrockets at night to 85 like what it is here now. Now they're back to the closet out of the jar where the RH in the closet it 77. However with the buds inside the jar it reads 84.

I'm going to go with the reading inside the jar of 71 being correct as the buds on the outside are crisp. This is my second time curing, and I messed up the first try last year. That was from jarring to early. I'm going to keep them in the closet for the night, and then tomorrow I will put them in the room with the ac and lower the RH, and try to get them to the cure stage tomorrow.

We live in a trailer, and the Central Air doesn't work, we keep it pretty open, and we have a big fan that blows in fresh air in the living room window. It sucks, but we're going to move soon. That's why I'm having these crazy numbers with RH.

So kind of puts me in a position of hoping it doesn't go to low, and trying to keep it lower because the RH inside the trailer pretty much stays the same as outside. I can only control it during the day, but at night I guess I'm going to have to open my jar more to keep the RH down. However it sounds like it's going to be more like cure in the day, dry at night when the RH goes up to 85, rinse and repeat. I don't know I'm high, and rambeling. I'll get it under control. Close monitoring....