Humidity too high?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. I have never grown this time of year and I am noticing my humidity is way higher than previous grows. Whats too high? Right now Ive been flowering 6 weeks almost and my humidity is at like 65%. Is that too high? Cuz, last grows my humidity was like 20-40%..... or even lower during winter.. Anyway, just wanna know if I have to drop cash on a dehumidifyer.... do I need one? is my humidity too high or what? thanks.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Yes, your humidity is too high!
Range should be 40-60%.
Personally I try and stay under 50%
You could try exhausting more air to bring down humidity!
Dehumidifiers are great but take alot of energy.
If you plan on buying one I would suggest instead, you buy a portable A/C.
A/C's double as Dehumidifiers, win-win.