

So im just starting out, first time growing. My seedling is good, Temperatures is right, lights are right, im following the on and off schedule.

but I dont know how to control Humidity,
my metre says 20%

What will happend if i dont keep it to 50-60?
Can i do it without it?

I seen 2 ideas on youtube for seedlings.
One idea is to put a plastic bag over the plant under the light to "give it a co2 environment'

or a transparent plastic cup, like a greenhouse type of thing.

Any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
I don't cover my seedlings. If you do you have to take the top off every so often for air exchange. Humidity should be about the same as cuttings 60%. Use a humidifier if need be. Not enough humidity at any stage isn't good. It stresses the plants and makes it hard for it to transpire. 20% is always to low.


Well-Known Member
50-60% RH is what most would consider as ideal RH for the veg stage (30-40% during flower) but this does not mean the 20% will mutilate your plants

You can buy small humidifiers for about $20-30 that will perk up the RH in your room, which will help...other cheaper remedies are also available but have draw backs

Don't get overly concerned if your RH is on the low side, as it's a much bigger issue to have RH too high

Often meters are very inaccurate for RH unless they are high quality

BTW: I would not use plastic cups or bags


Well-Known Member
20% humidity is low enough to make you feel uncorfortable. You would notice dry sinouses, have chapped lips, ect. I doubt your meter is correct.


Well-Known Member
You can hang a wet towel in your tent. That will give you an idea whether higher humidity helps the plants enough to buy a humidifier.


Thanks guys..

I got me a humidifier and its such a problem solver.

So I seen this picture.
Tell me if its true..
What would happend if the humidity always changes through 50 to 70, like not staying in one place?



Well-Known Member
I have a humidifier. My plants seem to do better when I increase fresh air, which decreases humidity.

I'm growing lowryder#1 and they seem to like it when I let the soil dry, or the tank on my humidifier runs out. I've seen my rh at 15 and they were lifting up. I filled my tank immediately though.


Well-Known Member
<< Used a weekly fresh 15ltr bucket (trays in smaller environments) of water per week, towel placed over the top floating in the water with a small 8'' desktop fan oscillating over the surface during veg under a 600w hps using soil. keeps a 6ft x 6ft x 6ft tent at 55-60%. it also kept my room temps down aswell :) closer lights with the poor mans aircon blowing around ;)

if you want a quick boost of humidity to the room, (say you've had the tent open or plan too) Boil the kettle and pour small amounts over the top of the towel till it gets back up to where you want it. then close the door :)