HUsalife's 2010 outdoor grow, lotta Nirvana Strains going on.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Just a quick update on my remaining 11 girls. Hope you enjoy

DSCN2270.jpgSwiss Cheese

DSCN2271.jpgNorthern Lights
DSCN2282.jpgNorthern Lights Cola
DSCN2281.jpgNorthern Lights
DSCN2274.jpgAuto Blue Mystic

DSCN2268.jpgKaya Gold on left, Master Kush on right

DSCN2275.jpgAuto Northern Lights. Over 6 feet tall now

DSCN2265.jpgWhite Widow

DSCN2273.jpg"Short Riders"
DSCN2269.jpg"Short Rider"

DSCN2313.jpgWhite Widow "a close friends project"
DSCN2310.jpgSmells wonderful


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Well yesterday I went to check on my ladies and found a fat nug broke over on my NL. Fuckin alf alfa hopper weakend the branch

and with the rain night before last it couldn't handle the weight I guess. Its a smaller side nug so no huge biggie, just be an early

sample I guess.

Question for those who have grown NL... The smell of my plant is noticeable but barely which is cool with me, but what should

the finished product smell or taste like? Never had a chance to try any and was wondering what others results have been.


Well-Known Member
no idear on the NL man .... but are you seeing any bud formation on those shorties...? i thought they were crossed with Top 44 which was an early finisher... looks like everythings way ahead of em.. lol

i hate fucking nirvana bitch motherfuckers.... in all honesty shortriders are bullshit... fuck you nirvana... lol ...


Well-Known Member
I'm not extremely happy with my nirvana short rider experience either, the word I would use for them is unstable! Nothing short about them and nothing auto about certain ones I guess.. Look at husa's, there like 6-7 feet tall..

I think I remember reading that the northern lights will get a little more smell to it once cured. I've had no experience with it though.. Sorry to hear about the nug.


Well-Known Member
My NL was always sweet skunky. I always grew NL crosses though....... best I could say. Some of mine Reeked in flower, some were very low profile. Low profile ones always smelled sweeter, the Reeky ones were always more skunky ;)


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Weeeellllllll I wont pin the blame on All my other Nirvana strains seem to be doing wonderful.

And Yes the short riders are starting to flower now, and looking beautiful. No complaints really except I should have already

been smoking them. Lotta rain the past few days so I have put the Budding plants in shelter to protect from mold, 2 more weeks and I

should be chopping Auto Northern Lights and Northern Lights. Auto smells waay more rank and fruity

"like a fruit stand in the hot summer sun".

reg NL smells faintly of skunk maybe But not much of a smell at all.

Well be easy peeps.


Well-Known Member
Everything seems to be strong enough to hold its weight this year and need no support. But hey I wouldnt complain

if things got tooo heavy for 'em lol.
Yea I wouldn't mind having to tie my buds down lol.. I'm hoping the short rider finish in 8 weeks of flowering because I feel the same way, we should have been talking about smoking cured bud already! My girl is just finishing up her 3rd week of flowering and is definitely getting really close to the 4' mark:shock:


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Well I harvested my 6' Auto flowering Northern Lights yesterday afternoon.

Will make 2 or more zips easy I think, will know a better final weight in a cpl day or so.

smells of Fuel and Mango , kinda a slightly rotten fruit stand smell. lol.


Well-Known Member
what is the white on your leaves, keep your eye on it, it may be powdery mildew. I got some on my outdoor plants, it gets inside the plant and u can't get rid of it, chk it out, do a search on white stuff on plants.

good luck, btw, plants look great!!


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
what is the white on your leaves, keep your eye on it, it may be powdery mildew. I got some on my outdoor plants, it gets inside the plant and u can't get rid of it, chk it out, do a search on white stuff on plants.

good luck, btw, plants look great!!
lol I think mine is birdshit ... I know the mildew you speak of though, a mix of peroxide and water spray will fix that generally.

But seriously I think mine is from small birds "rens, swallows" shitting when flying from limb to limb eatting bugs.

I tried to find what pic you see it in but couldnt find it. Be Easy Bro


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Well I woke up yesterday morning "Sun Aug 29" and it was cloudy as ever and the bottom was about to fall out

so I had to go move my girls under some shelter. After getting my Northern Lights in and looking over it I noticed some brown

discoloration in a cpl spot and ended up finding 4 bud worms hollowing out my nice fat nugz. So I had to spend the next few hours

searching my plants over for more worms.

Damn it.....

Just when you think your on the down hill another problem comes up.

lil bud eattin bastards.