Hydro grow-Outer Edges of leaves turning up?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Sort of a lengthwise cupping or canoeing of leaves-not severe just turned up along edges. Only 33% of the crop is showing this symptom, the rest are doing well. All plants are getting the same treatment and are exposed to the same environmental factors.

I have seen a dozen maybes, as to what it could be. Heat Stress, over-feeding, overwatering? Temps are good, Ph good, Nutes 1100ppm, Humidity 50%, Light 28" from tips.

I am getting ready to change my res for the first time since it has been 13 days on the same water-with adjustments as needed of course. I have only been on the h2o2 regime for three days now, don't know whats up.

Curl is occuring mostly on older leaves. One specimen has a thinning of the leaf tissue in sort of a random pattern on one of the first true leaves. No insects though.???

Also i have seen the wavy leaf expansion on a half dozen plants or so-often attributed to overwatering. I have only had my top drip on a timer for 4 days prior to that it ran nonstop-No rockwool just Hydroton and a starter plug. Now it runs 2 hrs on 4 off/3x per light cycle-no water during dark period.

Any advice anyone??
Thanks in advance.