Hydro or soil? Pros and cons based on my setup! Thnx!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

After a few small CFL grows I've invested in some equipment to take my grow potential to the next level. I've had problems with soil in the past...soil am interested in Hydroponics, bubbleponics, or other 'soil-less' mediums. I take growing very seriously and probably 'baby' them to the extreme..but I still manage to run into soil issues (dry soil, underwatering, overwatering, and more).*

From what I've read there are many advantages to hydro - and the cons are things that I believe I can avoid. I'm an entrepenuer so I have time to check on my plants often.*

I need help!! I want to grow medium/large sized plants...or atleast maximize my 4x2x6 grow room potential. From the bubbleponics, aeroponic systems I've looked into - they grow...let's say 6 smaller plants. Would my yield from 6 smaller hydro plants be close or equal to 4-6 soil medium plants (assuming all other conditions are equal)? Quality of bud? Grow time?*

My specs are below:

Seeds (all from attitude)
SuperLemonSkunk (GH)*
Himalyan Gold (GH)
WhiteWidow (GH)

+ Silver Hut 35 1/2" x 54" x 84"*
600W Galaxy Digital Ballast *
15ft lamp cord *
600W HPS GE Lucalux Bulb*
Air Cool Cylinder Reflector 24" *
Fan-Filter Combo 6" (LO) 400CFM
PROfilter Slim Carbon Filter 70S (6" 400 CFM)*
Inline Fan (Active Air) 6" 400CFM*
Flexible Ducting 6" 25ft*

How many plants should I attempt with this setup (hydro/soil)

Thanks guys!

Illegal Smile

I think you should try hydro because if you like to baby them that means you like to be in control and that's what hydro is all about. I would advise you to do a grow with far fewer plants than you have room for because it is a learning experience not a volume thing. Read the thread linked below for one idea.


Well-Known Member
I think you should try hydro because if you like to baby them that means you like to be in control and that's what hydro is all about. I would advise you to do a grow with far fewer plants than you have room for because it is a learning experience not a volume thing. Read the thread linked below for one idea.
Thanks for the input man - I appreciate it

What system do you suggest? I have a 6 site bubbleponics system kickin around..

Are hydro systems actually faster then soil? Is it a substantial diff? Yields??


Well-Known Member
Are hydro systems actually faster then soil? Is it a substantial diff? Yields??

I have a really great example in my grow log of this. I have a cheese clone as well as a kush clone that was planted in soil the same day that a strawberry cough clone was put into my hydro system...the difference is astounding!

the first two photos are obviously of the soil girls, these two where planted the same time as the girl in the last two photos...hydro FTW!



Illegal Smile

I would use your "bubbleponics" but without the feeder tubes as explained in the thread linked below. Just do 4 plants, they are crowded enough like that. Hydro is faster and yields are at least equal, to soil grows indoors that is. Use a good nute product and have everything ready before you germinate.