hydro to dirt?


Well-Known Member
so I've got a 24 unit turbo klone that i bought on the cheap. it works fine, a little tall for my liking.
so I'm giving away a bunch of clones next month and the person likes to grow in dirt, can i just wack 'em straight in the ground (seedling tubes) or is there a method for doing this?
if somebody could just point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
Yup , Just stuff em into a dirt container and water the soil pretty good, they may droop a little bit since they are used to instant feeding and aeration but they will perk back up in no time.


Well-Known Member
Nah don't worry. i nabbed a clone out of my dads high pressure aero cloner that had about 24 inches of full root mass. Buried the roots in a spiral from about 4 inches up to the top in a 5 gal smart pot and she never had an issue. Maybe a few days to get comfy in her new home but then right as rain!! Best of luck!!