HydroFarm Light Mover

Jim Johnson

Active Member
Has anybody had any use with the HydroFarm light mover. I'm considering a couple. How much closer can you put your light and how much does it add to your overall light absorbtion, I've read its like 30-60% increase.:bigjoint:


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
works great. i have a 600 watter on right now. i had a cheap chain driven light mover before. You can adjust the stoppers on this one. The chain driven you have to cut the chain and redrill holes. Well worth the 200 bucks i paid for it.

Jim Johnson

Active Member
What kind of mover do you have this one is only $99. This model is also chain drive I think is that really that noisy.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I really need two and I don't have the money for the light rail 3.5, but how noisy is a chain drive unit.

It's not noisy but i've had the chain jump the sprocket before, not good. Came home and it was all bound up. Who knows nhow long too. I'm just scared the lillte motor would burn out or even worse catch fire. Do yourself a favor and get the light rail 3.5 from dicount hydro. 199.99 plus shipping, about 215 total:hump: