Hydroponic nutes >>experts needed<<

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
ok so im just starting a hydroponic system and i was wondering if anyone had some advice on some nutes that i can use to get the plants going. i know they can live off of water alone so what what would i be looking for cause im going to the hydro store tomorrow and i dont want to walk in and be like "uhh yea what kind of nutes do i give my bud plants when there first starting?" even tho more than likely they grow it too. any advice would be great thanks.


Active Member
Ask for Cutting Edge Micro, Grow, and Bloom. Or General Hydroponics brand, but I'm not sure if those are called Micro, Grow, and Bloom too.... Truth told my hydro shop has been a great place to learn. Don't be afraid to take tips from the pros, no matter how dumb you look at first.

EDIT: Also make sure you pick up pH and TDS meters, they're mandatory.


Well-Known Member
No nutes is good nutes for the first couple of weeks, you can hurt them badly if you ad too much. I use General Hydro 3 part sytem along with their Florlaicious and Koolbloom for later on. Works good for me.


Well-Known Member
Ask for Cutting Edge Micro, Grow, and Bloom. Or General Hydroponics brand, but I'm not sure if those are called Micro, Grow, and Bloom too.... Truth told my hydro shop has been a great place to learn. Don't be afraid to take tips from the pros, no matter how dumb you look at first.

EDIT: Also make sure you pick up pH and TDS meters, they're mandatory.
GH basic products are called Flora Grow, Flora Micro, and Flora Bloom. They have some advanced products but I'm not all that advanced yet.
Don't worry about looking dumb, they can help a lot, if they don't, find another store.


Active Member
GH basic products are called Flora Grow, Flora Micro, and Flora Bloom. They have some advanced products but I'm not all that advanced yet.
Don't worry about looking dumb, they can help a lot, if they don't, find another store.
Thanks, that's what I was thinking of.

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
yea i have the ph tester. it should be at neutral correct? and when i go in and ask about nutes i just dont know what to say without incriminating myself.


Well-Known Member
You have to calibrate the meter using two solutions, usually 4.0 and 7.0. Some meters do it electronically, others require turning screws. Tell them you're growing tomatoes.


Active Member
Don't (ever) say anything weed related. Just say you've got some tomatoes, and you're a first time hydroponic grower. Tell them you want some basic nutrients (ask for the Cutting Edge OR General Hydroponics) and a TDS tester. Usually the gallon size nutrients are the best bang for the buck. Tell them you also need some pH up AND pH down, as well as some cleaning solution for when you flush. They'll know what's up and tell you everything you need to know, but don't buy anything you didn't plan to buy that day. If they suggest something, go home, study, and go back the next day. Just tell them you have to transfer more money into your accout or some shit. That way you know what you're getting into BEFORE you get into it. Kapish?

EDIT: And when you test the pH of your water (after adding nutrients of course) you want it to be 5.8

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
kapish! so i take it tomatoes and bud grow simillar because my friend always talks about his tomatoes? now when you say theyll know whats up you mean at that point theyll know what its for?


Well-Known Member
Don't (ever) say anything weed related. Just say you've got some tomatoes, and you're a first time hydroponic grower. Tell them you want some basic nutrients (ask for the Cutting Edge OR General Hydroponics) and a TDS tester. Usually the gallon size nutrients are the best bang for the buck. Tell them you also need some pH up AND pH down, as well as some cleaning solution for when you flush. They'll know what's up and tell you everything you need to know, but don't buy anything you didn't plan to buy that day. If they suggest something, go home, study, and go back the next day. Just tell them you have to transfer more money into your accout or some shit. That way you know what you're getting into BEFORE you get into it. Kapish?

EDIT: And when you test the pH of your water (after adding nutrients of course) you want it to be 5.8
Tomatoes...it's always tomatoes, the market will be flooded with tomatoes the way things are going
This is all very good advice.
TDS meter is a must along with ppm calibration liquid.
I always get carried away in the hydro store, it's worse than Harbor Freight where I buy tools I don't need.

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
great, tomatoes got it! thanks for the info guys helps me out a lot. so ill go tomorrow and when i get back ill post up what iv got and yall can put in your 2 cents. about how much will it run for all that anyway on average of course.


Active Member
Nutes should be 25 a gallon for the three you need -> $75
ph Up / pH Down together -> $30-$40
TDS meter -> $90 (I know, but it's a one time thing)
Flushing solution -> $20
TDS Calibration Solution (MANDATORY, thanks herbose) -> $10
Total -> $225 - $235

And by "they'll know what's up" yea they'll know you're growing pot. And as herbose and I said, don't buy anything spur of the moment. Can NOT emphasise this enough. They WILL take ALL your money and have you coming back for more (speaking from experience :-))

Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow. Good luck, it's always an adventure the first time in a grow store. OH OH OH OH, definately look at EVERYTHING they have. Read labels, pick things up, turn them over, LEARN! LEARN LEARN LEARN! And have fun :-)

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
thanks man great info one other thing do i need the flush or can i just scrub the bucket witha sponge and some purified water? and i just need the basics for now kinda low on cash i dont get shit for pay where i work.


Well-Known Member
Most hydro stores I have been in usually know why you are there. I have never had one (only been to 3 though) of them ask me what I need the chemicals for. I take what they say with a grain of salt. Hey they are there to make money. I have gotten good advise for the most part though.