

Well-Known Member
All right! Hydroponics is what I know, and hydroponics is the way I grow! :bigjoint:

This forum will be great, we can discuss anything hydro. No dirtbags here, We haul water!

We can compare the different nutrient salts, and all of the additives. Plus the kinds of soilless media and what irrigation system is best for each. And of course, pH and TDS measuring equipment, feeding and flushing, etc.

And all the while, we'll make fun of those guys hauling big bags of dirt! :blsmoke:

I can't think of any questions right now, what do YOU want to know?

I have been using dirt for a few years now but I've been kinda feeding them like a hydro way...mix the nutes in a barrel and then pump it to the plants...but I'm tired of dirt...to damn messy...so I'm ordering my hydro supplies and I hope I ordered right...then hopefully the seeds that I kept in the frig are still good or I will have to try and order from attitude seed bank. Oi Vey

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
All right! Hydroponics is what I know, and hydroponics is the way I grow! :bigjoint:

This forum will be great, we can discuss anything hydro. No dirtbags here, We haul water!

We can compare the different nutrient salts, and all of the additives. Plus the kinds of soilless media and what irrigation system is best for each. And of course, pH and TDS measuring equipment, feeding and flushing, etc.

And all the while, we'll make fun of those guys hauling big bags of dirt! :blsmoke:

I can't think of any questions right now, what do YOU want to know?

What seeds do you use for hydroponics??I’ve always been a dirt grower so complete newbie on this help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Mine was in a protin bucket on a window.it was over 2m tall it produced small tomatos but around 30-40 peaces.cherry tomato
I didnt even use o2 it was the kratky method


Well-Known Member
Hasn't been a post in this hydro sub forum in almost a year, so I figured i would rejuvenate20240819_075012.jpg20240819_075014.jpg20240819_075017.jpg it a little with some action.
My 52 day grow in 4 13 gallon buckets with a 13 gallon reservoir outside the tent.



Well-Known Member
After some intense defoliation last night the air flow looks a whole lot better in the tent. Hairs popping up at bud sites but no buds yet on this 13th day since I flipped the lights to 12/12. Hopefully within a week or so we will have some (lots) of buds to look at. I am actually hoping the bud diameters stay smaller and hopefully help me avoid bud rot or mildew. 20240820_061230.jpg20240820_061233.jpg

