i dont know what to do!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Cfl's do emit SOME UV,but usually folks are using actual reptile lights as supplementals to give the plant some uv exposure. The reptile lights are in the right UV range you want.People use them in flower, because it causes the plant to produce more resin as a protection against the UV, thereby supposedly making it more potent.The sun will do the same thing.
oh by the way i always thought you had to have lamps with UV radiation coming from them to grow inside, thatsd why i thought it would help grow my plant
thank you so much, tomorrow im getting some compact flourecent! hopefully my p[lants will grow like everyone elses is after that, i always wondered why it grew so slow.
being this is my first grow, i really dont got much to lose, cause im only 16 so if i get busted i wont be doing to much time, but when i turn 18 i got some plans for when i move out now lol

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Just remember...if you plan to grow indoors, you will need A LOT of cfl's when it's all said and done.They don't have as much light penetration as a HID light or the sun, so it takes more, and it takes them being very close to the plant. Some people get good results with T5 flourescents: http://www.google.com/products?q=t5+lighting&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=vIrpScKGKorEMYy3sdQF&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=1&ct=title I personally have never used them. What's your budget?
thank you so much, tomorrow im getting some compact flourecent! hopefully my p[lants will grow like everyone elses is after that, i always wondered why it grew so slow.
umm like for this hobby, i can go about 60 dollars a month
that is untill i get a new job then whatever i make ( probably around 800 a month) will all be on this