I got multiple sclerosis after getting a Hep b vaccine


Active Member
I now have problems with constipation and on rare occasions my arm muscle twitch happens rarely but it happens and all this happened with in months of getting the Hep b vaccine

can someone please tell me what marijuana strain I should get and if i should smoke it or make the oil to get better .. thank u guys

also what site should I order from and or is trustd , thank u


Well-Known Member
Contact your closest club, or a high reviewed one. If your in a major city you can walk in and if not your welcome to order from any canada wide.


Your going to need at bare minimum a letter of diagnosis also pill bottles help a application too.

Support the compassion clubs, they will guide you to what will help best. With MS its important to exercise and keep your strength, keep busy and possitive. On your initial order make sure to pick up a heavy indica strain. Im sure that will relax you...dont mind the appetite.