I got SCARY high last night. Is there a point where you shouldn't smoke more bud?


Active Member
back to the topic at hand:

i smoke two bowls of "spice" and could not do a damn thing...

i was shaking and couldn't hardly talk...

i never get like that off bud...but i was really paranoid last night.

not fun...

i was always told, you can always get higher and higher and it's amazing.

guess that's not true.


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for whatever mod has gotta hang out in all this girl's threads deleting the bickering....


Well-Known Member
back to the topic at hand:

i smoke two bowls of "spice" and could not do a damn thing...

i was shaking and couldn't hardly talk...

i never get like that off bud...but i was really paranoid last night.

not fun...

i was always told, you can always get higher and higher and it's amazing.

guess that's not true.
It's different for everyone. I take 3 hits of my shit and I'm good for an hour or two, no reason to smoke anymore. But like I and others before me have said everybody's different.
pharmacologically there is no such thing as too much weed in one sitting. psychologically sure, you were getting heightened physiological responses to the bud and which made you contemplate what was going on physically and why, which only makes it worse! nothing to worry about, you're really just freakin urself out. next time lock yourself in your room, turn on a light and listen to some chill music
i am good as well, but i have always overindulged and really dont know when to say enough, thats why i dont drink anymore
but i smoke until i cant stay awake, but thats what i grow it for, sleep.
I smoke maybe 1.5-2 grams a night when i dont have to work.


Well-Known Member
i ate 3 2g brownies.... 3 weeks ago i was high for 12 hours...and couldn't articulate a sentence.


New Member
Yeah, the deletes in this thread were really unnecessary. You should be expending your time deleting her threads due to the pathetic, incessant attention seeking.


Well-Known Member
i have to say, i have had the same issue once. I always partake of indica. But once while out camping with friends we smoked 3 big ass sativa blunts in an evening and it had the effect of acid. I could not discern reality, i didnt think i actually existed, couldn't talk, couldn't remember my name, or those around me, it was not pleasant. But i slept it off and was fine the next morning. Now, I stick to my indicas, I guess sativa just dont agree with me.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I think you should lay of drugs kid .... period .... clean your system out ... and recalibrate.

But that is just me.


Well-Known Member
I smoked spice before and it was horrible.
Never again lol.And its so expensive where I got it.