I had bugs and I used a fogger called "Attain Tr" Im 7 weeks in flowering...Bad news?


Active Member
I found a case of mites and a few flies after a little trip away from my plants. I have 6 plants in a room and inside that room a Flowering box that is well sealed and well ventilated that is flowering about 11 plants as well. The ones in the box are not and have never been infected. I sprayed down the infected ones with neem oil and today I went to the hydro store and bought the bug bomb Attain Tr. He said it would be safe up to a day before flowering....I looked at the label and it seemed pretty toxic though. I did it anyway and now I dont know if I am going to die when smoking my flowers.....What should I do?!\

Oh and I can delay harvest for at least 2 weeks....spray with distliied water a few times and hope its good?

Used Attain Is my weed going to kill me now?

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I want the answer to this too. I also have a plant close to harvest and want to set it off but do not want to smoke Attain. heh I am waiting on some Azamax stuff and I am going to try that instead and then if that doesn't work I will bomb after harvest. I have white flies by the way. Another option that is supposed to be good for spider mites is the no-pest strips. It has brought down the whitefly population alot but hasn't killed them all. It is supposed to be really good for spidermites though from what I have been reading.


Well-Known Member
I had a real bad case of spider mites and surfed the web looking for remedies...the best advice was also the most simple, alcohol. I used the 90% rubbing alcohol from Walmart. Most pumps have the same thread as the bottle so all you have to do is is screw that pump on the bottle, set it for the finest mist possible and spray each plant making sure that the bottom of the leaves are covered. I soaked mine. Then you put it under the light with a strong fan to dry it out (do not rinse with water). The only plant that died was one that was not getting enough circulation. Don't get me wrong..every plant did not look as healthy after the treatment as before but if your problem is spider mites those little bastards will kill a plant quick. You have to do a few follow up treatments and spray any nearby material made of cotton where they like to lay their eggs. The best way to avoid sm infestation is seven dust, can be messy but I put mine around the base boards. It is not a chemical (the original 7 dust) but more like tiny shards of glass that cut up any small insect that walks over it. No longer works when exposed to water.


Active Member
Thanks for your help but looking for more input? I already used the attain...didnt even think about it till after.

Im gunna spray it with distilled water a couple of days and delay harvest till I get at least like 4 or 5 sprays in?

Would you guys smoke it? Or just throw it away?!

Thanks for the help guys. Help me out and Ill give ya rep!


Well-Known Member
If you are worried about residue left on your plants, rinse them off, and if you are really worried, rinse them off again, You will probably be OK, I will look up that chemical now and tell you....JR


Active Member
I looked it up and I cant find to much info on the one I used. I keep finding one on a similar product from the same company but it seems less toxic. I am calling the company i just wanted to get some votes in from people! Thanks for the help. Im growing for a friend to so if it is harmful its not only for me =(


Well-Known Member
Bro, why did you pick that shit to use with the 1000's of other chemicals out there?

It looks pretty bad and has all sort of EPA warnings on it. It even tells you not to rinse it down a drain (I know that is standard with most chemicals)\

The thing I don't like is it is not made for vegetables and things to be ingested (like weed). So I say bad news my friend...JR

Here is the link for all to see.. http://www.bugspray.net/labels/attain_label.pdf


Active Member
I snagged it at the store and the hydro guy talked me into it. I was desperate and in a hurry. I regret if for sure. Any way to bounce back Or you say Throw it out?


Well-Known Member
Active ingredient is bifenthrin. I used some of that but in a spray bottle on the leafs during darkness. Worked quite well too.

Smoking that weed now and I'm not dead. Having said that, my spray has 0.04% g/ltr bifenthrin and that "Attain" label states 0.5%.. which is rather a lot.

Rinse it well and it'll probably be fine. If it tastes funky make hash or oil from it.

Edit: Forgot to mention my bottle also clearly states it's fine on almost all vegetables, with max' of 4 sprays per crop of tomatos. Bear in mind though that this statement assumes 0.04% g/ltr bifenthrin :-P


Well-Known Member
Well that's good, maybe the level is slightly too high for normal veggie use...Good info though, rinse and you should be fine, like in the shower or with a hose, not too much force...JR


Well-Known Member
Maybe just submerge the chopped plant and move it around in a big bucket of water, then dump the water since it shouldn't be sent down the drain, especially given the high quantity.

I just found some interesting studies if anybody's inclined to read scientific papers.
http://www.pw.ucr.edu/textfiles/bifenthrin-1.pdf - this pretty much rules out the idea of causing the bifenthrin to degrade, as a bifenthrin/soil mixture was observed over 24 months with the bifenthrin barely degrading at all. Moisture had no real effect on speed of degredation.

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T6S-4C5HS43-1&_user=10&_coverDate=03/31/2005&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1592347107&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=6dc8baad5666970357fe75a5a7e76884&searchtype=a - a study proving that processing cut tea leaves after bifenthrin application massively reduced bifenthrin concentrations. The conclusion is that you shouldn't harvest tea shoots within 3 days of bifenthrin application. So I'd give it a week or two on your plant before cut and then rinse well; based on these studies it'll probably be fine.

If you do die though let us know so we can avoid those insecticides :D


Active Member
Oh god Im scared! Still looking for as much adivice as can get?

Ive alwasy heard water a couple days before cutting down isnt good on the bud is this true? When you guys say rinse....my plan is to mist the hell out of it like every other day for the next 2 weeks with distilled water. Im flushing it and all that of course...IM calling the company tomorrow...ill let you guys know what they say.

How would you guys rinse them? And how many times before harvest?


Well-Known Member
That's probably all that'll be necessarily if you're routine with your misting. Honestly mate I don't think it's that bad, and even if it is you can salvage oil or hash from the crop so don't despair. If you had to harvest now then I'd do what I said with the big bucket, but if you've got another two weeks the misting will probably be enough.

I would mist maybe once a day, probably just after lights-off to prevent those little heat spots which seem to appear if you spray the foliage during lights on. O and water + lights = bad so yeah.. spray just after lights-off.