I hate the munchies


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I don't get them most of the time I don't but I got them now, and everything taatse amazing. I usually won't eat because I don't want to kill my buzz but everything is so good.

I guess I should have eaten before my wake'n'bake.


Well-Known Member
I usually like to go without food too, but after a while I'll start to get sick...so It's best for me to eat. MJ turns you into a diabetic...you shouldn't deprive yourself.


Well-Known Member
I know...I totally understand. I had a friend a while back who refused to eat while high on mj or anything else. He wanted that buzz to remain constant. He didn't care if his stomach was roaring he would not eat.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
Thats funny. I eat a shit load of food while I am high and still stay pretty high. I can't smoke indica, be tired, and then eat though. If I do the only buzz I'll have is the sound of ZZZZZZ's...


Well-Known Member
eat a while before so it has some time to get into your blood
doesnt work...

eat all you want till you think you can't get another bite down, but the moment you hit that joint the food just magically disappears from your stomach, so you venture to the kitchen in search of food, but if you eat more you'll just feel sick :cry:

i love the munchies, everything just tastes so much better. my evenings look something like this...

smoke -> eat-> smoke -> eat-> smoke -> eat-> smoke -> eat....


Well-Known Member
Everything does taste better but I'm not getting any more till next week...maybe.

I've learned though if I have the munchies and I'm high to stay home.

When I lived next to a Pizza Hut I used walk over and try to tell the guy what I wanted and I would want the strangest pizzas.

Yeah I want a black olive, mushroom, anchovie, chicken, and tomato pizza.

No wait let me change that I just want peperoni.

No let me get that first thing what did I say? Oh that sounds gross let me change that.

I want a mushroom, peperoni, can you do both green and black olives?

I'd walk out with some very strangely topped pizzas and then find them the next day...eww how did I eat this.


Well-Known Member
Everything does taste better but I'm not getting any more till next week...maybe.

I've learned though if I have the munchies and I'm high to stay home.

When I lived next to a Pizza Hut I used walk over and try to tell the guy what I wanted and I would want the strangest pizzas.

Yeah I want a black olive, mushroom, anchovie, chicken, and tomato pizza.

No wait let me change that I just want peperoni.

No let me get that first thing what did I say? Oh that sounds gross let me change that.

I want a mushroom, peperoni, can you do both green and black olives?

I'd walk out with some very strangely topped pizzas and then find them the next day...eww how did I eat this.
funny shit
made me lol xD


Well-Known Member
Yeah I want a black olive, mushroom, anchovie, chicken, and tomato pizza.

No wait let me change that I just want peperoni.

No let me get that first thing what did I say? Oh that sounds gross let me change that.

I want a mushroom, peperoni, can you do both green and black olives?

I'd walk out with some very strangely topped pizzas and then find them the next day...eww how did I eat this.
Ha ha ha ha!

I went to a Subway with a ex-smack addict as the clubs were closing and watched him jam the shop up with a queue getting the guy to build some uber sandwhich with everything in the shop on it. After the staff picked up on his antics, he didn't really get to choose, he got given something random to shut him up and get him away from the counter.

I'm young enough that I should understand all this, but I don't go to coffee shops or subway normally, so I'm always confused to fuck when I'm sober, nevermind cooked.

doesnt work...

eat all you want till you think you can't get another bite down, but the moment you hit that joint the food just magically disappears from your stomach,
I'm well excercised and don't eat much, so I don't have a lot of junk around. I've nail through insane amounts of cereal before. It's bad if you have strong stomach muscles because you start feeling ultra sick.

I'm excellent at regulating the amount of food I eat usually. I'm sure I only get the serious munchies if I haven't been eating properly for a day or two in advance - I can definitly feel a difference in the amount of energy I have over that kind of timescale without green. Most of the time it's not an issue.

It's not as tasty as junk, but you can eat about as much bran cereal as you want and only rinse your anus out to a healthier condition.


Well-Known Member
I got a bag full of big sandwich like that for free at Arbys once.

I was high and had ordered from that five for 5.95 menu. I had two pathetic excuses for arbys melts-they were so thin they looked nothing like the pictures.

Eyes red and pissed I walked into the store and said I wanted a sandwich that looked like the picture.

I argued for ten minutes about false advertising and bad business practices, the manager said alright here just leave.

When I got to the car there was a bag with five big sandwiches fat like they should be and five curly fries.


Well-Known Member
I got a bag full of big sandwich like that for free at Arbys once.

I was high and had ordered from that five for 5.95 menu. I had two pathetic excuses for arbys melts-they were so thin they looked nothing like the pictures.

Eyes red and pissed I walked into the store and said I wanted a sandwich that looked like the picture.

I argued for ten minutes about false advertising and bad business practices, the manager said alright here just leave.

When I got to the car there was a bag with five big sandwiches fat like they should be and five curly fries.

and some secret sauce.


Well-Known Member

i fucking love them! when im telling my friends what i ate while i was high they almost puked lol.. like pickled mushrooms .. than yogurt .. bread.. pickled mushrooms again .. old boiled potatoes with ketchup .. yogurt again and big fat apple after that!

im mixing everything i got at fridge! i just want to taste everything what i got while im high.

thats amazing!


Well-Known Member

i fucking love them! when im telling my friends what i ate while i was high they almost puked lol.. like pickled mushrooms .. than yogurt .. bread.. pickled mushrooms again .. old boiled potatoes with ketchup .. yogurt again and big fat apple after that!

im mixing everything i got at fridge! i just want to taste everything what i got while im high.

thats amazing!
Apples are amazing when you are high.


eating kills your buzz?

sucks for you dude

doesnt make much sense to me


Well-Known Member
They do mine, I've figured out how to enjoy the munchies.

Just smoke more after I eat forget my rigid method of trying to save weed and limit myself.

If I got it, toke it.