I have a question/....

I have hydroponic plants.... should i move them from the HPS light to the direct sunlight outside sometimes? or should the plant stay under the lights if it was born with Hps lights?


Active Member
just depend on what u want, if u want a gaint yeild and are not afaird of helicopter put them outside, if u want a good yeild and dont want to wait, and not deal with chops and bugs and mold, keep them inside


Active Member
you are more likely to put them under sunlight that is too intense and kill them that way. it takes a little while for for large indoor plants to get used to the sun's uv rays, clones too but people tend to be more careful with them. you are better off leaving them indoors and starting some new plants for outdoors. you can veg for a few weeks inside to get the plant to a good size. then move the plant out and harden it off by putting it in a spot where it will get some protection from afternoon sun. move it into more intense light day by day. after a week or so you should be able to drop that puppy in the ground.