I have no clue as to the problem. Help needed.


Well-Known Member

Hello guys, I am having a problem with my plants and cannot for the life of me find it. Here is a pic of 2 leaves. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I may say Calcium Def. ! This is the problem I'm having now with one baby female ! What about your pH ? Soil and Water ?


Active Member
That leaf looks as though it has been grown to a good healthy state so what have you changed to cause your issue. Whatever it is, go back to what you were doing before.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well it seems to get worse when I go in to look at them. They are in veg, 20/4 light. I am in a soil less mix. I am getting so fustrated. Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
did you spray anything on the leaves while under your light.. looks like a moisture burn.. most deficiencies ,or burns will show on the entire leaf not just burn spots in the middle ,usually the ends or the entire leaf,