I have no clue?


New Member
What soil is she in and what nutes are you feeding if any? What are your ph levels, feed water, soil and run-off? What are the temps and rh levels? Some of these are not as important as others but most are needed to diagnose.


Well-Known Member
What dirt/nutes/hydro/how much have you fed/when did you feed it last/what size of pot all of this is very helpful info to give for a educated guess without any info it would be more like asking a psychic for help~

What I see in the weed leaf is your under feeding of nutes!

Welcome to the Club!


Well-Known Member
Hello all, Well I will write what I do know about it. It is a strain called "UW, or UDUB". I cannot find another one to compare it to. I was given the plant in a very small form. It was all just beat to hell. She has come so far. I have measured and she has grown almost 7 inches in the 3 weeks I have had her. She is in a soil less mix. Unfortantally I got her at a really bad time. I had no where for her except the cold garage. Yes it is really cold. But for some reason she is thriving out there. I was undecided about keeping her but she has grown on me and I bucked up and got her a tent and all the supplies needed to make her happy. I have just been watering her and didn't have the proper food. I got some today and hope she perks up. I would say that she is about 3 months old? I really don't know. Water ph was around 8 I think. I have it at 6.3 now. The spots are only on maybe 15 leaves and they don't cover the whole leaf, just little spots here and there. I do thank all you guys for all your help.


New Member
Well, still no where near enogh info for a definate diagnosis. However, you did confirm one of my thoughts K deficiency due to high ph and cold temperature. Without more info the best I can offer as far as how to correct it is to flush her with about 2 times the water as you have soil, get her warm, 74-84 degrees is a prme range. That may clear it up. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I dont see any bugs. It really only appears to be on the bigger older fan leaves. I really don't know what is going on. My water is 6.3 now. I started feeding her some gh last night, Florenova. and some Root something.