I just order some beans from Herbie have a question about super stealth

Where I'm from is weed is strictly illegal and even importing seed is crime will get fined.I've searched forum Herbie has good rates on Super Stealth Shipping? are they reliable for super stealth shipping? I'm kinda worry if customs open the package and found seed they will def knock my door lol. I hope ship not happen to me. anyone experienced their superstealth shipping and get seized?
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Well-Known Member
This question gets asked quite often my main man. It's always a crap shoot but typically I'd say you're fine. I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting arrested for ordering beans. If you're in the US then you fine either way. A lot of us here on RIU have had our orders snagged by customs. They typically just take the beans and you ask herbies to reship. People worry more than they need to when ordering beans.
This question gets asked quite often my main man. It's always a crap shoot but typically I'd say you're fine. I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting arrested for ordering beans. If you're in the US then you fine either way. A lot of us here on RIU have had our orders snagged by customs. They typically just take the beans and you ask herbies to reship. People worry more than they need to when ordering beans.
Yea I feel worry soon after order some beans Actually in my country if customs found seed I'll be arrested and all that crap and get fine for smuggling drug substance But this Time Put my trust and luck on Herbies and this is my 1st time order. Thanks


Well-Known Member
The only time I ever had an intercepted and indeed sanitized package from overseas was from Herbies using their super stealth shipping! However, they were super cool and replaced the lost shipment which did arrive safely.
The only time I ever had an intercepted and indeed sanitized package from overseas was from Herbies using their super stealth shipping! However, they were super cool and replaced the lost shipment which did arrive safely.
What was the PACKAGE? I'm kinda nervous now bro