I know a pot of water.........

Won't boil if it's watched, but the whole process of growing is fascinating. .....I started flower July 15th, and today Aug 31 I noticed that some of the hairs are starting to turn red-brown. Since this seed was given to me, I don't know what strain it is. I have read plenty about when to harvest based on % of red-brown hairs or color of trichromes. Can anyone tell me how much time I have after hairs start turning ?? Is there a ballpark number that says most plants finish in "X" number of days, weeks once the hairs start to change. 2 Days ago (with no color changes) I was looking at end of September, but now I'm thinking maybe 2-3 more weeks ???DSC00252.jpgDSC00254.jpgDSC00256.jpgDSC00257.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks sativa dominant - expect longer flowering and kick ass high. No way in 3 weeks. Feed a 1/2 strength OR LESS feeding of bloom fert. Then water only. Molasses is helpful too. You have weak bud development. Dying colored pistils are not the prime indicator for maturity. Looks like it will mature well enough with killer colas. You can do better with a single feed. Others will chime in and agree and disagree.


Well-Known Member
yea hard to say .. get a cheap 100x microcope ..

and atlest before any frost hits if you get that ?

but I would say atlest 3 weeks more .. but agin hard for me to say ..
Thanks everybody for their input, much appreciated. I agree with one more shot of ferts,was going to do that anyway. This is an obvious first grow and I did it with guano teas, alfalfa meal teas (which really seemed to make them zoom) I am now down to mixing some guanao 1-13-1 in some distilled water. Thanks again !!


Well-Known Member
I use the high P (15%) guano powder aswell .. as top dressing around week 4 of flowering or half way through ..

a few ts on top of the soil before I water .. does the trick ..

also look in ot black strap molasses ..