I know where giant pot trees are, 15-20 feet high


New Member
Been growing there for 80 years. Gigantic budz.

Problem is you couldnt get high off it if you smoked a pound. Think this stuff would be good to cross breed with?

Oh yeah and it grows a lovely shade of purple


New Member
Cool might as well try a high power plant. Maybe Ice or AK 47 will do the trick. Good luck and if you do do a breed please post about the results of the seeds. I'd like to know if you can get high off it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you cuoldn't get high from smoking a pound, are you sure it's not juts a wild hemp patch? I'd not want anything to do with it if it doesn't get you high no matter how large they are.

Madden NFL

Active Member
SO its been growing for 80 years >.>? If that's true the trichromes/thc levels die out if left for so long lol but that would be weird then again im stoned lmao idk what im daying

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
SO its been growing for 80 years >.>? If that's true the trichromes/thc levels die out if left for so long lol but that would be weird then again im stoned lmao idk what im daying
If the climate is such that the plant can stay alive all year around year in year out, then it will simply reveg itself come the longer days and re-flower again come august/september etc.


Well-Known Member
If you cuoldn't get high from smoking a pound, are you sure it's not juts a wild hemp patch? I'd not want anything to do with it if it doesn't get you high no matter how large they are.
straight up ruderalis can you get you high worth a darn in my understanding, the wild Hemp is just weak sativa based plants so id say cross it with something potent and start a High Rider phenomenomonemon


New Member
If you cuoldn't get high from smoking a pound, are you sure it's not juts a wild hemp patch? I'd not want anything to do with it if it doesn't get you high no matter how large they are.
Thats Exactly what it is. I will take a feild trip out this weekend and take some Pics. Hopefully I can get some seeds. Last time I was there the Stems on some of them were a good 2 inches in diameter or more on a lolt of them

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Texas has a crap load of that worthless hemp plant. The only thing you would get from smokeing that crap would be a headache. I would not ever try and cross breed that crap with something. When you cross breed, you are trying to get the best of both the male and the female. That rag weed Hemp is not worthy enough to be brought into my grow room even as the off spring.


New Member
Texas has a crap load of that worthless hemp plant. The only thing you would get from smokeing that crap would be a headache. I would not ever try and cross breed that crap with something. When you cross breed, you are trying to get the best of both the male and the female. That rag weed Hemp is not worthy enough to be brought into my grow room even as the off spring.
Its going to make for nice pictures though


New Member
If it grows tall and with huge buds compared to normal plants then I think its worth a cross to test. Ruderalis was pretty much crap THC too and they worked with it and I smoked some it was great.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If it looks like a Turd. Taste Like a Turd. And even smokes like a Turd. Is it in fact a Turd?

Well that stuff might not be a Turd, But it sure as hell is some crap weed. That is the type of Hemp that is made into rope, cloth, pulp and such. The buds are little and fluffy, and even when cured correctly, they are a raspy, hack coughing, rag weed. I can not think of one trait I would try and breed into something I would want to grow.

Now this is just my simple opinion. If you want to spend months growing off spring from this kind of HEMP, then Have a blast. But I think it would be worse then sex with a blow up doll of a hot blonde chick. It would be like sex with a Blow up doll of a monkey. They are Primates. probably closer to humans, then that crap Hemp is to Weed we smoke. Same family, but a distant cousin. And it is ok to have dreams of that hot cousin. But stay away!!! :hump:


New Member
I remember a thread here a long ass time ago about asking everyone to throw out some seeds randomly into the wild. I always said I'd do it when I cross something. Maybe I'll buy some hemp seeds and plant them in a remote area and start a forest. Hemp is only like $5

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
The tall fiberous Hemp Plants can over take fields almost like bamboo will in some conditions. But these are long summers with mild winters. Down south. You never find these 18 foot plants in Montana.