I know you guys are tired of these.. First time Growing


Active Member
I'm just bored, so I figured I'd try a new experiment, hell, maybe even learn something.
So I got to researching on growing my own.

Now, here's my plan, tell me what you think.

I have a ball python, and I'm all about aesthetics, so you know her vivarium looks natural. And what's more natural than herb? Unlike other reptiles, she doesn't require extreme heat, but the daytime bulb is 60 watts and keeps the basking area at 80*F and the tank at an ambient 75-ish. My vision keeps the plant away from the hotter bulb. She does, however, have a Repti-Glo 10.0 UVA/UVB bulb, which I read is very good for budding but not so much for veg.

I'm a little bit skeptical of exposing my snake to a Metal halide light, seeing as how that may be hazardous to her.

Can I use my daytime light and UVA/UVB as the only bulbs?


Well-Known Member
YO anonbrowser! I've been looking at getting a chameleon(always had reptiles since a young boy). Do you think it's possible to (somewhat) easily maintain pot plants inside of a chameleon cage? You would think, with long enough veg time, flower, etc, harvest time would be around time to clean the cage anyhow! But I'm not sure how their feet would feel on dank, sticky buds. Maybe just a plant in the corner of their area?