I like smoking weed but

I feel very numb while i do , very spaced out , like im not fully conscious of where i am or what i am doing ,
especially if i stand still.
Maybe this is something that ill get used to or will go away as i smoke more , my very first times
smoking weed i used too twitch a lot but now i can get baked without any twicthing.
Do you feel like this when you smoke?
I feel very numb while i do , very spaced out , like im not fully conscious of where i am or what i am doing ,
especially if i stand still.
Maybe this is something that ill get used to or will go away as i smoke more , my very first times
smoking weed i used too twitch a lot but now i can get baked without any twicthing.
Do you feel like this when you smoke?
Are you smoking elites or something? Maybe the strains your trying are too strong for you possibly..I have never twitched or jerked off Marijuana.

As far as being spaced out..maybe your just really HIGH if its scary though lay off..Maybe see a doctor to find out if you have some underlying medical condition.

Good luck broken


Well-Known Member
What do you personally think getting high is supposed to feel like/ You said you like smoking but you don't sound like you want the head change at all. Perhaps you want something more mentally active... like a sativa high? I'm not sure what you're stating or asking to be honest...

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
That's fucked up I never twitched or jerked and even when I smoked through my early teens, I managed to get hash and higher grade many times throughout those years and never twitched and sure as hell don't now.


Well-Known Member
I feel very numb while i do , very spaced out , like im not fully conscious of where i am or what i am doing ,
especially if i stand still.

Maybe this is something that ill get used to or will go away as i smoke more , my very first times
smoking weed i used too twitch a lot but now i can get baked without any twicthing.
Do you feel like this when you smoke?
That's the reason I smoke.:bigjoint:

Pat the stoner

New Member
Twitching sounds like something else . Are you sure there was nothing else mixed in there , like um crack ? I'm not saying it to rag you . It's just that it doesn't sound like anything I've ever seen from weed .


Well-Known Member

I think some people are just like that. I twitched alot when baked. Occasionally i still do, but then again my mother had epilepsy.


Well-Known Member
indica´s make you numb yeah (could be described like that)

taking the edge off, lol.

they dont get you high, not really.

the best hybrids sorta do it.

for getting high, well, you need sativas for that. (not easily aquired on the market)

im smoking one right now (mixed with a lil indica to make the sofa comfortable lol)

reminds of a mix of a low dose mushrooms and a quite high dose of amphetamine, disguised as marijuana.

if there werent any indica mixed with it, i wouldnt be "numb" at all or any "couchlock"

heart raising type of stuff.

indicas dont get you high, they just get you comfortable with the fact that you are low. (hybrids take you bit up but keep it all calm)

smoking sativas

and you wanna go out dancing (or make music or something, just do stuff.)

smoke indica and sooner or later you are gonna fall asleep (the stronger, the sooner)

smoke sativas and you wont fall asleep till some while after you´ve stopped smoking :)

they both have their purposes and are utterly fantastic.

but thats the difference as i see it.


Well-Known Member
the fucking fantastic part about sativas.

im actually smoking fan leaves of a south east asian sativa.

mixed with some premature buds of a indica (though a damn good indica)

and im so fucking high right now :)

(and, no, i cant smoke fanleaves of indicas or hybrids and get "high" or "comfortably low", they give me a head ache(or a mild buzz)

i dont get very high from one bowl of this fanleaf premature bud mix, but two and im fine, 4 and i dont want no more. (as in my heart pounding,head soaring and a urge to create something (im a musician , sorta lol)


Well-Known Member
I feel very numb while i do , very spaced out , like im not fully conscious of where i am or what i am doing ,
especially if i stand still.
Maybe this is something that ill get used to or will go away as i smoke more , my very first times
smoking weed i used too twitch a lot but now i can get baked without any twicthing.
Do you feel like this when you smoke?
except for being numb and twitching (??) people pay for that feeling! if you don't like being that high, smoke less or buy lesser quality mexican!

i've never heard of someone getting numb or twitchy by smoking pot! if it doesn't feel good, STOP DOING IT!


Well-Known Member
not everyone wants the numb, its just a matter of taste and what people need.

some people like crack, some people like smack. others like running around the block for that adrenaline rush (and glow in the body afterwards))


Well-Known Member
the fucking fantastic part about sativas.

im actually smoking fan leaves of a south east asian sativa.

mixed with some premature buds of a indica (though a damn good indica)

and im so fucking high right now :)

(and, no, i cant smoke fanleaves of indicas or hybrids and get "high" or "comfortably low", they give me a head ache(or a mild buzz)

i dont get very high from one bowl of this fanleaf premature bud mix, but two and im fine, 4 and i dont want no more. (as in my heart pounding,head soaring and a urge to create something (im a musician , sorta lol)
Ahh!! I was just in Dropzilla's thread about shake- my shake is usually sugary sativa fan leaves and it takes a joint or two of 'this isn't getting me very high at aaaaaaallll........oooooooooooooh....wait a second...!' *head flying through space and heart in my ears*


Well-Known Member
Ahh!! I was just in Dropzilla's thread about shake- my shake is usually sugary sativa fan leaves and it takes a joint or two of 'this isn't getting me very high at aaaaaaallll........oooooooooooooh....wait a second...!' *head flying through space and heart in my ears*
1-2 joints? so a sativa hybrid?

im talking a fingernail size bowl (the contents would fit there)

and 4 of those and im flying through time and space.