I must be lucky: 1/16th chance


Active Member
So I decided to try a little grow as I have always wanted to. for personal use only, i decided on lowryder #2. Constructed a little stealth setup. Found the cabinent for $20. built a custom 11,000 lumen cfl for my 12" x 12" x 18" cab. small...I know but I wanted to try to recreate the lowryder in a big gulp cup and see if I could get a 1/4 OZ per plant.

germed 4 seeds in a cup of water
transferred to paper towel after about 12 hrs
24 hrs all four seeds had popped.
Placed them in 4 individual yogurt containers (keeping 'er cheap)
soil was:
4 parts peat
1 part verm
1 part worm casings
1 part perlite
peat had trace P and K as well
temps were 72F night 81-87F daytime. intake and exhaust fan seemed to keep the air moving well. 18hrs/6hrs light schedule.

watered sparingly really allowing the soil to dry out. in fact I just checked for any evidence of being rootbound but the roots are still barely reaching the edges of the container...no pooling of roots at the bottom either.

started a bloom fert at 2 weeks exactly. two of the four had preflowers at that point.
plants thrived from day one. this is them after just 28 days. very fast plant IMO. I assumed I would get at least 2 males and was prepared for 3 if it had to be that way. I got 4/4 males. Something was fucking with my odds.
My hypothesis is low pH,slightly higher temps, low humidity. Is sex not predetermined from seed? I know people on here have seen better ratio's in much worse conditions. I thought that stuff was only really with hermies.
What do you guys think?
also, should I just toss them or try to make some hash...I'm thinking my results would not be worth the effort though.



Well-Known Member
sucks!!!! sorry bro! yea, sex is determined from seed. plant cant change its sex, only go hermie if under stress.....


Active Member
ont he upside you now have a pimpin little grow cubbie, i recomend trying agan, maby saving the pollin and trying agan, maby try a lr cross


Active Member
true. I tell you even though they are males, they smell nice. citrus/pine flavor. I need to get a carbon filter going if I'm going to try this again. i bought another set of fans so I would have two in two out as I'm assuming the filters are going to really knock down Fresh air exchange.
I've heard lowryders are notorious for this. Someone mentioned on another board 10 all male...how's everyone's ratios been that have tried this strain?


Active Member
soil recommendations? I need to get a pH kit to figure out if my soil is too acidic. I'm assuming b/c I used peat without a base additive it might have been pushing the ratios for males?


Well-Known Member
bro i had exactly the same problem as you with lr2 this is my first grow i plant 5 lr2 and 1 unkown strain 5 fuckin males and 1 female!!!it sucks but its a learning experience


Well-Known Member
Eak, this is very distressing news. I have 6*LR2 growing which haven't been sexed yet (day 11). Look on the bright side (hard I can appreciate) but at least you didn't have to veg them for months beforehand. Better luck next time and happy growing!


that sucks bro... they look like good males though, if that makes it any better.... save some pollen, and try again... hopefully next time you get 4/4 females... i lucked out, planted one seed for the hell of it; female! woot


Well-Known Member
Man, this exact same thing happened to me when i first started growing. I had just built my box, put a 150 HPS in there and was growing 4 plants in soil (i don't use soil anymore, nor a 150 ;) ). I would have been happy with just one at that point. But no, i had 4 males. i was so pissed. I know exactly how you feel. Try again.


Active Member
alright...well this makes me feel a whole lot better. I guess I might just be really unlucky. I'm going to get a pH tester tonight and some organic soil. I was hoping to have a little treat for xmas, but alas I will have to wait to start my next grow till the new year because I'm going away for much of the month of december.
thanks for the replies everyone. I'm going to go ahead and collect some pollen.
I have two tall and two short pheno's. I might try to cross the short pheno's with some really good BC bud I ran into...not sure what it is though...here's a pic. very "up" high. motivates me to go on a run or get shit done.

also, everyone on this page should watch this if they haven't:
The Union: The business behind getting high.