I need help with my first shroom harvest

im having some thoughts about my first pickl out of my harvest that im not too sure about.
im not sure if it is a good thing that the bigger one is going black? it looked fine yesterday, it was ready to pick but i left it to wait tilll the morning.
ill include a picture so maybe someone with more experience can tell me whats up.
the strain is Golden Teacher and im growing in a grow kit.


IT looks like it's over ripe. I've grown GTs before. My experiences (based on many things I've read online) show that the best time to pick is right when the cap's veil begins to tear away from the stem. The purple color is the psilocybin oxidizing. You should only grow a cap this big if you're wanting a spore print. The majority of the psilocybin is produced before the veil breaks. After that, you're really only gaining mass. This results in having to eat more mushroom material for the same intensity of trip than if you had picked at the optimum growth point. I hope this helps.


Active Member
Haha nothing is going black, if you notice black it's purple spore deposits, which do look black in appearance, but are not actually black. GT's are ok, kinda mild potency strain with a trip that is mostly in your head, rambling thoughts, introspective type of high. I only see blue staining and purple spore deposits on he caps and stems in that pic. You should check shroomery some time. But yeah perfectly fine and very nice looking fruits! If you let the caps open they will drop spores and stain your shrooms purple or a black tint (from heavy purple spore deposits). Purple spores indicate psilocybe cubensis, so you now know 100% what they are ;)
3 grams should be a solid dose, or 2.5 grams, don't go less than 2.5 since GT's aren't uber potent. You can grow way more for way less money without a grow kit. Just need some canning jars ($10 a box), brown rice flour, vermiculite, and some water... Anyways enjoy your successful harvest :blsmoke:

technical dan

Active Member
those are fine its just spores. like people above me have said max potency is when the veil is just about to or is starting to break cut em then unless you plan on taking a spore print