i need help with my pH! please


Active Member
Hey growers! What's the consequences of having the pH off? I just got my pH tested for the 1st time and im already far into this grow.. I know that's a problem but I will be getting one for my next grow, this was more of a practice. But my buddy just tested my pH at his work. I had him test the water+nutrient mix, and the run-off water that drained out of my bucket. But one thing I need to add before I continue is that the test water was sitting in 2 different water bottles in his car over the weekend and its cold outside so im not sure if that changed the pH from the temp. But the water and nute mix tested at 3.7 or closer to 4.0 and the run-off tested at 5.8.. I know that's low for soil. What is bad about this? So far my plant has been growing like a beast. She's huge with tight internode space and pretty good looking buds with trichs all over. What happens when pH is off? Thanks RIU!


Well-Known Member
If the plant is growing well, then Ph isn't off, you or your tester are. Anyways don't try to fix what isn't broken. If you're asking out of curiosity I invite you to go to the plant problem section, you'll find a lot of real patients down there. Cheers


Active Member
If your doing organic dirt ph really does not matter. PH can rise and fall depending on the microbial activity and will find its happy medium. While I have a couple testers and stips I do not use them at all with organic just read the plants leaves and give it what it wants. The microbs will then adjust ph depending on up take.

In organic the plants do not recieve nutrients from the fertilizer instead microbial life breaks down the organic matter and feed the plants in a symbiotic realtionship.

If your just using ferts then yes ph is very important since there is no life only nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to post in sick plant section or read stickies about ph I'm kind of new myself and don't won't give you no false info but I would deffinatly check in to high and low ph. I'm just not up enough onthe subject. Plenty on here that are..


Active Member
6.8 is ideal for soil grows. Don't measure runoff. Measure the soil itself.
Ok I have a soil tester and it always test out at 6.8 but I heard the soil testers don't even work right.. so I should be fine then right? She's a nice looking plant, the only problem I see is some leaves "clawing" on colas but someone told me thats normal on some plants


Well-Known Member
True. I've grown dozens of the same strain and only a few clawed. They were all treated the same. So I think it is normal on some plants.