I need help with ventilation in my grow room


I'm constructing my first grow room ever ... and I need help with venting the room. It's about 7.5ft long 6.5ft wide and 7.5 tall, I need to know what fan system I would need for this size room. I plan to use 2 600 watt lights in this room. I was thinking of getting this ----> http://www.ebay.com/itm/MTN-Gearsmith-Industrial-Grade-Hydroponics-Inline-Fan-Kit-6-/220948374799?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33718ca50f off of ebay. I was thinking of running the exhaust outside of my home, but I believe that I would need additional aluminum duct about 25ft, to do that. Then I started thinking that I would probably need an extra fan to push the air that far of a distance so I was would I need something like ---> http://www.ebay.com/itm/220886242433?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2640??? Are these brand products any good??? Are these good prices??? Am I asking too many questions?


Well-Known Member
you want to exchange the rooms air at least once or twice within 5min. also will depend what temps u get

well ur room is 365 cubic feet. so by that fan its ok if it says what it is the filter dosent mention what cfm is its min and max so i dunno bout that once
i cant say anything about quality.

you should be able to find something local thats a name brand you can get for a decent price.

if you have long ducting....like long long (15-20+ft and going up or curving) then a booster fan is a good idea to help extend the range of airflow.