I need major help


I do not know why i let them go this long i guess i was getting lazy but please spare me the lectures of letting them get this way =\ they have been in flowering for about 2.5-3weeks now 12/12 and random leaves will start with either spots or brown tips and curl up and die, a friend had told me my ph might be too high so w/o testing it i put some lime in a bottle and watered them with it for about a week it wasnt too much lime propably about 1/4 of a cup in a 2 liter bottle. That slowed the process of browning and death, but i would like to stop it now. The plant on the left has lost almost all of its lower leaves and is budding at the top. THe plant on the right has very many leaves and taking its good old time with making buds i have yet to see any potential budding spots. The leaves are starting to die more and more on that plant too. if you need to know any other information just ask. my budget is $40 a week so if a fix to this problem requires alot of cash then it will take me a bit to save for it.


Well-Known Member
What are your temperatures, looks like heat is your problem man. nute burn starts from the inside of the leaf and goes out.


Well-Known Member
hey bro... the outlook is grim.. but ill help you the best i can..

first you will definitely have some ph issues, if you dont already... problem is without a soil ph test kit you wont know where your at... you can pick one up at lowes or home depot... and i assume they are failry cheap there.. its at least a place to start.. if not you can order a $10.oo one of the internet http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=SSPT500&AC=1

dolomite lime is slow acting, and is ph 7.0 stable... this means over time your soil will reach close to or right at 7.0... so if you dont have or cant get a ph meter, that should at least be a basic estimate of the soil ph.. assuming you followed the recommended dosages...

http://www.avocadosource.com/tools/FertCalc_files/pH.htm this is a chart of nutrient lockout at different ph ranges... this should give you a good idea of what you would be lacking..

picking up some nutrients is a must bro.. your girl has made it this far without.. but has quickly run out of whats available to her... http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=FK400&AC=1 this is a great nutrient that is within your budget range as well... the 3 part system will deliver everything to your plant she needs... you may also choose to purchase some suplements later down the road.. but that will at least get her what she needs now...

those are the 2 biggest things i can say for now... with some tlc and care she may make it.. but you need to start asap....


Well-Known Member
40 bucks a week,,,,thats plenty. Get a PH tester on ebay $25.00. While on ebay, check out BMO (search for that ebay store). You can pick up a whole line of nutes or just the flower power. That plant looks like shit and needs some attention. Along your travels, you'll need Cal-Mag also.


hey bro... the outlook is grim.. but ill help you the best i can..

first you will definitely have some ph issues, if you dont already... problem is without a soil ph test kit you wont know where your at... you can pick one up at lowes or home depot... and i assume they are failry cheap there.. its at least a place to start.. if not you can order a $10.oo one of the internet http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=SSPT500&AC=1

dolomite lime is slow acting, and is ph 7.0 stable... this means over time your soil will reach close to or right at 7.0... so if you dont have or cant get a ph meter, that should at least be a basic estimate of the soil ph.. assuming you followed the recommended dosages...

http://www.avocadosource.com/tools/FertCalc_files/pH.htm this is a chart of nutrient lockout at different ph ranges... this should give you a good idea of what you would be lacking..

picking up some nutrients is a must bro.. your girl has made it this far without.. but has quickly run out of whats available to her... http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=FK400&AC=1 this is a great nutrient that is within your budget range as well... the 3 part system will deliver everything to your plant she needs... you may also choose to purchase some suplements later down the road.. but that will at least get her what she needs now...

those are the 2 biggest things i can say for now... with some tlc and care she may make it.. but you need to start asap....
Thanks a ton Theres a little hydroponics store down the road from me i discovered not too long ago so once i get paid i can go down there and get some dolomite lime and the nutes u have in that link.Now when i do get this stuff and i add it is it ok to add it all at once IE: mix all the nutes in one container and water them every other day or w/e is instructed on the container?