I need your curing advice about : A bag i just BOUGHT!


Well-Known Member
So yea i just bought some weed and it looks amazing and it smells great too, the only problem is it seems it wasnt cured very well, i mean the weed will still get ya stoned and it iwll burn for sure but its still like stickey and gooey and well i dunno it seems under cooked.

Any advice? my friend told me to just leave it out in the sun for a while and it will work?


Well-Known Member
If its still wet then put it in a brown paperbag for a day then check on it. BUT, if its burning well, then it should contain the right moisture and you may just need to seal it in a jar for another week or two and finish curing.

Kind of doesnt make sense....burns well, gets you stoned, nice and sticky....those sound like they are definately some desireable results :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well I guess a good way of describing it is that like it wont break up very easily? o well forget it, this proably isnt the most important post made on these boards ever, i was just stoned and infront of a computer last night...


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you but Ive always seemed to love the sticky moist looking weed, i always enjoyed the high off of it. but if you want to try to cure it, stick the bud in a jar and do that method, she'll be good then. happy toking :bigjoint:


Active Member
Sounds like you finally got some good product and you don't know how to deal with it. LOL, jk.


Well-Known Member
hey hey i ONLY smoke tha dankness this is just the kinda weed where if you squeezed it it would get all mashed down, its just sticky and super spongy


Active Member
Just leave your bag open, or throw it in a small jar and open the lid a few times a day. If it lasts long enough to dry that is.


New Member
I know what you mean. put it in a container in the dark, open it every day, it should be nice and crunchy and crumble in your fingers after a while. I usually just take the bag and stick it in my desk drawer for a few days and that works pretty well.