I Once.


Well-Known Member
i once punched my good friend in the face because he said "fuck" after i asked him not to say that in my house

we were like 11 ish


Well-Known Member
I once got a guy expelled from our class for grabbing my ass. The bullshit part was, when I complained about him, they suggested switching MY class schedule. I flipped the fuck out. He got switched.


Active Member
I once intentionally kicked my mother in the stomach while she was pregnant. I was 5 years old. Luckily my little brother was fine. I still feel bad tho.


Active Member
I once was mean to the only person i cared about, only to have that blow up in my face.

I once saw some kid fall off a playground and break his arm so the bone stuck through the skin. I just kept walking...

I once brought a plant camping with me when i was a kid and just let it grow in the forest around our spot for a couple weeks. Every hour on the hour a cop would drive by.

I once threatened someone with an ax outside their house over 5$.

I once lied to everyone about everything.

Green on Green

Active Member
I once won a race to count to 1, when I won I was asked what I wanted. I wondered and wondered until I could wonder no more...I wanted one ounce of wonderful weed....I was glad I won