I see ballsacs. Guidance, plz. [Pics]


Just by way of background: I have one plant going, it's kept outdoors. This is also my first time grow. I believe I'm just beginning to see signs of sex, as I initiated 12/12 about 12-13 days ago. Can you verify that this is male?

Question: What do I do at this point? Is the whole plant basically trash because it's male?

LOL? - FLoraSeries just arrived today.



Well-Known Member
Sorry to say but that is looking very much like a male. It has no value other than breeding stock. Which means, if your not a breeder, it has no value.


Well-Known Member
I agree with heis, looks like its showing male. give it a couple more days if the sacs start to grow out and hang its definately male...kill it and move on unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Yea def give it a couple more days to be sure. Plants have been known to fool us, but it's not looking good.