"I Think I Can!"...First Grow from seed!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Wow well done I'm a little heartbroken to see em chopped but that's the way the it goes. I will be harvesting one maybe tomorrow but I might wait a few days still, depending on how the trichs look. There's still a lot of green on the plant I want to see if I can get it to use up some of that stored energy. Trichs the other day were mostly coudy. I'm smokin on some of the colombian and it's smoother than I expected so I doubt the CHs will be harsh or anything but wanna let them finish up. I put two more into flower the other day also and the bagseed already has pistils forming. That's a lot better than 3 weeks it took for it last time, so that should shorten up the flowering time cuz I'm looking at 10-11 weeks right now. Anyways, hope you love your homegrown I know I always do.

About the blueberry I think it's probably intermediate because it doesn't like nutes very much. Just make sure you don't overfert and you should be fine. I'll definately subscribe to that one as well.