I think i messed up my iso hash need help


Active Member
I used an alumin pan to pour it into and theres like a gloomy white look to he iso and u can see the golden hash. but im wondering if i caused a chemical reaction with the iso and aluminum. Im too much of a stoner to know anymore but could seriously use somebodys advice


Well-Known Member
Did you boil down the solution with a double boiler? If so, the milky white stuff is normal to see until it all cooks down. It seems to be worse if you use 50%, I assume because there is more water.


Active Member
no i am letting it evaporate in the aluminum pan. idk why it turned milkey white the hash is still golden brown??


Well-Known Member
Hrmm well I don't see any obvious warnings doing a quick search of google, but I didnt look that hard, and i'm not a chemist. I have never let it slow evaporate so I dunno. I just know that when boiling it down, as the alcohol evaporates and the water is left behind, the whole thing takes on a cloudy look and gets down right milky along the sides.