I think im becoming an alcoholic


Well-Known Member
I never liked drinking in my teen years im now 23 and this year im drinking hard liqour everyday, it seems to ease the paranoia when I toke, and i just like mixing the two, im very disaointed in my self and hope this doesnt last as my whole family has alcoholism issues, im going to look on google now to see if there a drink and talk forum.


Well-Known Member
Good luck on quiting mate, its best you do it early before irreparable damage sets in.

and if its to take off the edge of weed paranoia, you can get anti anxiety meds for that which should chill you, although as someone that suffers from anxiety myself I find weed takes the edge off better.


Well-Known Member
i know just what you mean, worked with a few old retired folks before and they were big on booze its all there body needed , and they were like in their 80s still goin strong

violator kush

Active Member
the liq should be at most once a week and not alot, but i do under yea god damn cigs, are going to kill me, just tryed to quit and fail once again, 7 time quiter

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah its the only thing keeping them alive, the nhs in the uk will give alcoholics money cos if they stopped drinking they'd die. talk about hangover from hell.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
If you're drinking hard liquor everyday and there is alcoholism in your family, yeah, you're probably well on your way to becoming an alcoholic. Lay off the booze. If you have to drink when you smoke, maybe you should try laying off that for a few days or try every other day. Alcohol fucks up so many people. I saw some bad cases at an old job. I hate to see anyone go down that road.

Sorry to get all "Debbie Downer" on the subject, but seriously, quit before your liver does.


Well-Known Member
Dude, don't try to find help. Do it on ur own. If u can stop urself, if u can show urself u have that complete control, it'll b easier to slow down. I was the same way for a while, as all my friends are right now. Don't consider ursel an alcoholic unless u wake up, roll over, and drink the glass of scotch on ur nightstand from the night before. I'm only 21 n I've been binging for a few years straight. So have all of my friends (21-25). I consider it more of an adolescent party time favor. U need to know for urself tho, that u can't do it forever. Once u know that, I believe u will b able to cut down. Talking to people about ur problems doesn't do shit. Sorry, I'm just a firm believer in anything u wan to do, u do it urself, no one knows u like u do. No one can give u better advice about u, than u. U control urself bro. Know that, and u will b good.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
man if your holding down your job and enjoying a drink and a smoke who are you harming but you?
Holding down a job and enjoying a drink can turn into staying drunk and losing your job pretty easily for some.

I don't drink because I have an addictive personality and everyone time I did drink I would take it too far. Everybody is different. I'm sure there are people who could drink everyday and handle it. But if you have alcoholism in your family and you're having to question whether or not you're becoming an alcoholic, why take the risk of continuing drinking? Especially when we've been blessed with such a beautiful herb.:peace:


Well-Known Member
ive been mr jr alcoholic since my 21st birthday 2 weeks ago. im glad to say ive bought my local packie out of dollar nips and im working on buying all of their bottles of cheap vodka. when i drink i do it to get smashed, and quick. i could have a problem in the future, but im just having fun right now


Well-Known Member
drink to get fucked up on nights out with ya mates, drink in moderation to ultra chill when ur having a smoke


Well-Known Member
Yea drink together, drink to get smashed, and nothing wrong with a couple Sam Adams n a burger, but a cran n vodka is not necessary while smoking a blunt. Moderation. Like the guy on the tanqueray commercials lol


Well-Known Member
im actually in the same situation. i been drinkin since a few wks before i turned 21 (like kaleoxxx) and im 24 now. i started with just 2 or 3 beers every 2 or 3 nights and i would get a little tipsy and be happy with it. shortly after i actually turned 21 i was drinkin shots of tequila every 2 or 3 nights. a year or so later im drinkin tequila on a nightly basis. then after another yr i cant get drunk off 6 shots of tequila anymore so i start buying 151 and drinking shots of that on a daily basis and thats when i realize i been drinkin entirely to much. by the time i decided to try to stop it was new yrs this past year after drinking half a bottle of 151 and throwing up about 6 times...i wouldnt be surprised if i had alcohol poisoning. i was awake till 7 in the morning still getting sick and by the time i got to sleep that day i woke up got sick again and realized i was STILL drunk. i quit for a month or so after that before i started again which tore up my stomach lining and i now have gastritis pains and need weed for nausea just from drinking to much caffeine or eating the wrong foods that day. unfortunetly im still drinking but i do realize its a serious problem and i pay for drinking every night with nausea and stomach pains. my dads side of the family have all had alcohol problems. if i was you i would quit while ur ahead and fight through any temptations you may have to want to drink. instead of drinkin smoke more. i find it to help but i dont have much room to talk. actually ive been on this forum many times drunk during the late nights and ive even mentioned being drunk several times. i left the forum on my own for a long period of time because talking about it helped me realize how much of a problem it really is.

EDIT: i also liked mixing weed and alcohol but i think the weed helped with any nausea i was suppose to have that told me i drank to much. so you may feel fine then a few minutes later be throwing up. by the time you realize how serious it is it may be to late. so be careful and if you think you got a problem now you probably should have stopped awhile ago.


Well-Known Member
I started at15 im now 44 and alchol has ruiened my life 4 dwi in and out of prison lost cars houses women .and can get were no one likes you except other drunks your still young and need to get a handle on it they say aa works good luck

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i did not quit in time. at 27 they told me I would be dead in a few years unless I got a new live and a few other operations. Liver disease. The whole time they told me to quit, and I kept going. Stupid shit. I have not drunk in three years. They say now if I dont ever touch any again I will have five years or so before a liver. DOnt listen to women or freinds they will not understand and just want you to get drunk!, lol, I did not beleive that one. Every girl has only tried to get me to drink with her. hehe. Serious;y tho, at least you know you got a porblem. I was dead set on drinking hard stuff for ever. Swthcing to beer only slows it down for a few weeks, you will be back at liquor. I would do that to ease up the shakes in the service fir tests and back to liquor. In patient rehabs worked for me finally but really it was because I cant do it or it hurts like a bitch now. I have all kinds of damage man, be afraid. I have pain conditions and metal tubes in me and clamped off veins because they keep exploding. I bled out five times in one year! It is a killer. Going cold turkey is not advisable if you get the shakes. The best is a barbituate cure so seizures dont get you. You will want it. Three days in bed with ativan and you are good. Best thing to rmemeber is to get your VITAMINS in and stay hydrated and do not ever start to puke. YOu need that food. That is how I got some badpain conditions. Stay hydrated too. Those little things will save you in the end.