I want to cry... my babies look horrible plz help... i don't know what is happening


Well-Known Member
lol, you can go on arguing like a pussy all night long for all i care
i still say that roots should be white

lol i'm scared

you know what they say about people with big pictures...
You can't grow a white root, so who are you to say what should be?

Yeah you're scared. Won't even respond to me, while I'm addressing you directly, YOU FUCKING PUSSY. Who are you talking to with your troll flames? The air? What's it gonna be, Ass-head?

And tell your Ass-head government to stop bombing the Palestinians, Ass-head.


Well-Known Member
no idea what you talking about
i see trolling has progressed from pm to imaginary pm


Well-Known Member
no idea what you talking about
i see trolling has progressed from pm to imaginary pm
This is fun. I can type, too. And think...unlike you, Ass-head.

What was this thread about anyway? Who can remember? It's just become a thread about what an Ass-head you are.

People love this shit, too. They pretend to poo poo on it, but they're reading it fervently. And I'm really good at it. I can throw multiple, layered, nuanced insults at you while you struggle to look for the keys to misspell your incoherent whining.

Now, moderator says something in 5...4...3...


I cleaned and sterilized my reservoir. Filled it with 3ppm distilled water and added nutes upto 240ppm 1/5 strength.

I also blocked any possible light leak into the reservoir

I changed the light to cfl and reordered the inner ventilation to be more effective.

I see his thread has become a flame war, but I also see many differing valid opinions.

Are these babies savable or should I kill and grow a new set from the seed?

Roots are a little brown but are zero slimy, they feel like regular roots when I touch them
The plants are growing new roots everywhere I will update pics later today.

Please keep the discussion civilized. A very concerned and scared new grower is listening with great detail to any input

And finally, thanks for the support so far


Well-Known Member
nice mate they are looking much better (or just better pics lol), they look mostly savable
sorry for trolling your thread
good luck


Well-Known Member
You're wasting your time and power bill. Save that one in the middle. Throw the rest out. You're just gonna sit there and watch and watch hoping for it to inch forward? You screwed up. Cut your losses now.

I could hold your hand and tell you it's going to be okay, but doing that will just lead you to more waste of time and electricity. I know what I'm saying doesn't make you feel better, but it's the truth. They may 'bounce back' eventually with intensive, laborious care, but you still won't yield much.