I watched a woman get beat the other night


King Tut
I would suggest it's like the old Alexander Pope aphorism that " a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Most gun owners are like folks who have a driver's license and a lot of vanilla experience ... but never took the tactical/defensive driving course. The analogy to gun ownership is that it is prudent to back that awfully empowering feeling up with some serious training (doesn't have to be extensive, just intensive) in how to progress from shooting to the other combat skills, like weapon retention. cn

Most DEFINITELY! Truly, that is the ONLY type of "gun control" that i endorse!

IF we are to "mandate" certain actions, requirements, standards, etc, it SHOULD be that one demonstrates (annually is fine by me) their proficiency in all aspects of their firearm of choice.

Weapon retention is paramount. Otherwise, you supply arms to the bad guys. Judgement is also required (shoot/don't shoot scenarios). Accuracy and proficiency are required as well. After all, if you can't hit what you aim at, you become a problem not a solution.


King Tut
I would suggest it's like the old Alexander Pope aphorism that " a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Most gun owners are like folks who have a driver's license and a lot of vanilla experience ... but never took the tactical/defensive driving course. The analogy to gun ownership is that it is prudent to back that awfully empowering feeling up with some serious training (doesn't have to be extensive, just intensive) in how to progress from shooting to the other combat skills, like weapon retention. cn
And that's the vision i had.

A woman at a gun range receiving proper instruction and firing for the first time at a silhouette target.

Think the thought of defending herself against her attacker won't come to mind?


King Tut
Speaking of guns and self-defense and whatnot (a conversation often steered by the religious), i just thought this was hilariously ironic :)



Well-Known Member
You don't have to lie urca. We all know what was more important to you, sitting in that car and getting high! I live in the same area as you, people don't get shot for calling the police for domestic violence! Sure the city is a bad place but it is only as bad as you make it! It is your fault for hanging out with people that "wouldn't" let you call the police. Maybe take a hint from that, get the fuck out of the car call the police and find new fucking friends! None of my friends would get upset for calling about that and we are growers that don't call the police, not pot heads that sit in car in parking lots to get high! Like I said S******* is know to be a shitty city, but it is only as shitty as you make/let it be, remember I only live a couple miles away now, S******* is my home town. I would have jumped in instantly or in your case called instantly. If you got out of your friends car and they left you for calling the police would have given you a ride home when they showed up. Again if you are hanging around people that would pull a gun over you calling the police for that, it is your own damn fault and I'm glad that it keeps playing over and over in your head! Maybe you will learn to make new friends or how to do the right thing next time!

full of purple

Well-Known Member
everyone in the car told me there's nothing we could do but watch it and get over it. people get shot out here for calling the cops
I would have beat dudes ass maybe even play step daddy after if she looked good enough and had respect for me.

Comon dude seriously? He is not the type to shoot you! Althow he might have beat the shit out of you.

I woulda walked upon the guy with a friend or 2 choke him out in about a minute, Drag him in the house and proceed to
fuck the guy up.

--40 glock user bitch nigga abuser