I would just like to say...


Well-Known Member
It sucks, but on the bright side, one female can quickly and easily be turned into a room full of female clones. :hump:

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
One out of five sucks. But none out of six really sucks. My KC Brains-Brains Damage gave me no females out of six beans. Only two of the six even germed. At least you got one bitch. Hope shes a good one!


Well-Known Member
Appearently you've never been to Las Vegas! At 50% odds , you don't win "every other time" - you win "500 out of 1,000 times".

Try this experiment! If you flip a coin 100 times, you are very likely to get 6 heads (or tails) in a row. But the overall count should be somewhere around 50-50. The odds of seeds being male or female follow this same probability!

Sometimes "You get the bear", sometimes "The bear gets you".