I would rather be here!

Whats up people. I come to you in search of a better place to reside, as my previous location proved fascist and hypocritical.

And I don't really talk like that... much bongsmilie

Anyways, basically I posted on Grasscity years ago, starting before I turned 18. I lost my first username to the fact that I was like 15 at the time, and gave myself away intentionally somehow. So then I used Cali Grass. Then somehow they rebanned me for having been banned,after years of me just chilling, in and out like everyone else, which is idiotic IMO. I stayed away for almost a year but last night I jumped on there at like 2am, and sort of shouted out to the old crowd, and lo and behold, people I haven't seen post for EVER are saying whats up. It was cool enough, or would have been, but I got rebanned again for having been banned, even though the ban on the account that was the original issue was up.

Sirsog (Mod) told me that I had apparently forfeited my rights to be a member the first time I posted. Which is fine.. I guess, but even Junkiedays (another well known Mod) made a joke about me having been banned before, right before I got the boot again.

I guess what I'm saying is I've had so many things happening lately that prove to me that the world is losing it's humanity... Not literally of course. I just can't believe how fucked in the head some people can be.

Glad to have landed here instead.. I only read what I saw on the way to this thread and the vibe is already good. :hump:

Forgive me for a 1st post wall of text. I'll prove my worth, lol


Well-Known Member

Welcome aboard dude. Grasscity sucks infected balls if you ask me. I was banned three times from there for mentioning psychadelics lol.. What a bunch of pussies. I met some cool people there I'm not gonna lie. The last time I had an account there I pm'd them all and said thanks for the help and that I'm gonna go get banned again (which I did)..


Well-Known Member
I never got into that place it just looked (looks) generic. Found this place and without hesitation joined. It's been a good experience for me thus far, but I don't go lookin for trouble either. Welcome, and as always stay high.