Ice Pinch Bowl


Well-Known Member
So I was looking for a new 18.8mm bowl and was trying to find someplace in the states I could order from. I stumbled across a guy on that was selling Ice Pinch Bowls and decided to give him a try. I'm glad I did. By far, my favorite bowl. This thing just doesn't clog.

Side Shot 1-6-2012 9-09-31 PM.jpg
Here's a side on shot to give you and overall size of the bowl.

Bowl Shot 1-6-2012 9-10-02 PM.jpg
And here's the bowl down shot. I've had bowls like this before but they've always had a X in the bottom, not a 3 slot.

I've placed several orders from the guys, multiple bowls, some 18.8mm glass angle joints and a 5 arm ash catcher. I've been completely satisfied with every order.


Well-Known Member
Bump for this style of bowls and ResearchKitty. These slides work wonders... It doesnt seem like much of a difference but GOD DAMN


Well-Known Member
Why is it called an "ice pinch" bowl?
Instead of it being a "pushed" bowl, like you would see on a regular spoon or most normal tube slides with the center hole, the Ice Pinch slides "aka" Martini Slides have three pinches in them, like your big bongs do with the ice holders. It allows for really heavy hits with a nice bowl size. They are also virtually clog free. I like them mainly for the clog free part.


Active Member
Instead of it being a "pushed" bowl, like you would see on a regular spoon or most normal tube slides with the center hole, the Ice Pinch slides "aka" Martini Slides have three pinches in them, like your big bongs do with the ice holders. It allows for really heavy hits with a nice bowl size. They are also virtually clog free. I like them mainly for the clog free part.
So it's basically referencing the look and not actually a technique used to create it or it's actual function.


doesnt this cause greens to suck through as i have this issue with the regular shapped bowls this one seems more would make it though


Well-Known Member
It seems like it would make more, but I've actually noticed a LARGE decrease in plant matter and ash that sucks through. Might be the shape of my bowl but that's just my observation


Glassblowing Moderator
it spreads the hit out along a wider surface so your not getting a large suction from one hole. your getting a slow suction from a large area. less rat turds in your mouth