Idea for RIU


Active Member
I'm thinking before any new member is allowed to post a thread they should have to take a multiple choice test on basic facts about growing. Upon signing up everyone will be instructed to read the faq which will have all the answers. They just have to take a half hour to read it. Once you pass the 30-40 question test you will be allowed to start new threads.


Active Member
bad idea considering we want people to come here to LEARN about growing

this would prevent noobs from joining...


New Member
hehehe.... what about all the ppl that come here wanting to learn for the first time?

Weed SAT'S? :lol:



New Member
Man, I like that idea ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!! That would cut down on all the newb questions, without them reading 1st. Make them read and get an understanding on the basics before they even post.


Active Member
Im new, and I can say if I had to pour through hours of threads/thread and then take a test just to sign up or post I can
guarantee I would have found another site.

I read slow, but I do

Thankfully for me I didnt have to do that because I like it here.


Active Member
bad idea considering we want people to come here to LEARN about growing

this would prevent noobs from joining...

They could still read the threads and reply. They just cant start new threads.

Im just tired of seeing the same questons posted 3 times a day. Im talking about the general knowledge questions about ph and watering and light cycles. Shit like that.


Well-Known Member
haha thats awesome. maybe 10-20 questions 40 may be overkill

maybe make the search option a little more updated, maybe use that auto search thing that google uses. Thats available to vbulletin or whateverthefuck


New Member
well I thought he said that there would be a little tutorial before the test to explain the basics, so that they would have some knowledge before they start....


Well-Known Member
well, maybe make the MAIN sub forum (general growing) read only until you are QUALIFIED to give advice. Newbs can still ask the lower tiers and have less worthless advice in general.


Active Member
Adding important links in your sigs helps newbies find important info.

I know the constant questions are annoying, Im on another site with 460,000 + members and that is how
we helped to cure the problem.

Sometimes people just dont know where to look, so a helping hand is needed....

I think a better remedy is to have a pm sent to each user upon registration by the system providing useful links
so people who choose not to have a long list of links in their sigs dont have to but the new users still get the direction they may need.

Another thing I have learnt being on a large system is just because they are new to a site does not mean they are not knowledgeable
and cant offer great advice or support. :)


New Member
Adding important links in your sigs helps newbies find important info.

I know the constant questions are annoying, Im on another site with 460,000 + members and that is how
we helped to cure the problem.

Sometimes people just dont know where to look, so a helping hand is needed....

I think a better remedy is to have a pm sent to each user upon registration by the system providing useful links
so people who choose not to have a long list of links in their sigs dont have to but the new users still get the direction they may need.

Another thing I have learnt being on a large system is just because they are new to a site does not mean they are not knowledgeable
and cant offer great advice or support. :)
very true and that's a really good idea


New Member
Lots of times... i just get burnt out answering the same questions over and over again. :lol: usually there are three threads of the same problems being posted all the time.

The site has a bunch of permanent stickies to address 90% of all problems and hints.... ppl just don't bother to read.

Some can barely read or write as well... :lol: oh wait ... :sad: