"Ideal Air" Dehumdifiers


I'm on the market for a dehumidifier. The winter taught me a lesson with powdery mildew. My RH was too high. To get rid of this problem I'm going to buy a dehumidifier to save my investment. I've been hearing about Ideal Air dehumidifiers. Low on power and work great. But thats what the guy said at the Hydro store. But i want to know if anyone has used one yet. I'd like to hear pro's and con's on it. How is it on noise? I do ebb and gro bucket system 12 pots. run 35 gal at a time in my res. Everything is in a tent but I plan to dehumidify the room the tent is in. I have no windows so i cant exhaust air outside. Should I go 60 or 100 pint system?