ideas for amending clay soil.


Well-Known Member
i have some of my own ideas but want some more to get the wheels turning. i have a great location. but a not so great clay. heavy clay. there's no way for me to get soil in. any ideas what i can us from nature to help the soil out. i can get some soil and perlit in. but not truck loads like i need. just tring to get the wheeels turning.


Active Member
organic matter, as much as possible, compost, leaves, peat moss, grass clippings, etc. I'd also add some lime and phosphorous, and you have to work it all into the clay about a foot. When you're done you will have a mound of sorts, breaking up clay to make it better doesn't happen overnight, it can take a few years. Just digging a hole and filling it with good dirt doesn't work, clay will hold too much water, a good rain your hole will fill with water, your plants will drown, clay doesn't drain well. Ball up some soil with your fingers to test the clay content, see how easy it is to shape, the better it holds its shape, the higher the clay content is. It can be done, but I'd find a better location.

Green Floyd

Active Member
I've read that old timers use epsom salt. I've added some to my lawn using my sprinklers. Seems to help. :)


Active Member
From my own experience id say your screwed,heavy clay/caliche is a bitch and you will lose a high percentage of plants even after amending it.The only real way to deal with it is to remove it completely,good luck.


Well-Known Member
i like clay after its amended iv used peat mushroom and perlit before. its just hard to get it into this spot without getting seen. no one is aloud in there. theres a public road going threw it. i road my bike in today i cant get seen riding my bike in every other day with a back pack. theyll know something up. i guess i have no choice but to pack it in.


Yeah, if the clay is too heavy and there is a high risk of being found it seems like more work/trouble then you could potentially get in rewards. If you could work with the topography and dig fairly deep, you could perhaps make a trench where you could put gravel or just soil in it to allow for drainage and redirect excess water and then put your soil and stuff on top of that. I'm not talking a trench in plain sight, but one hidden underneath your soil.

It's going to be a lot of work though... good luck with it if you get it started.


Well-Known Member
im not afraid of work. i didn't take any pictures. but its a old mine. no one goes in there. i made sure of that the gold coins i left siting out on some rock havnt moves in two yrs. iv been waiting for the brush to start growing. there is water in the bottom. with tall grass as tall as me. i hoping to plant next yr. if i dig a ditch and fill it with grass and let it root tell next season. you think it well be enough. i dont want to get seen going in someone saw me riding the other day but they didn't see me go in. and its not like no one rides around that area. no gravel around just clay. some poplar trees and brush. im going to take in a few bags of soil. but im looking for other ideas. what i do is hang some feed bags in my garage with mushroom soil tell it drys out and gets real light then i take it in. makes it a lot easier.
how much gypusm show be used i heard you can put to much in. ground is already alkaline im planing on using some sulfer to change that.
i cant get to close to the grass i can get some but its deep and i cant take a chance of sinking. had a friend when i was 12 jump in and went right up to his chest if i wasn't there he would of been dead.
i was thinking of doing a raised bed out of logs right at the edge of the water. and filling with grass sticks and clay and ass much soil as i can bring in.

i wish it had fish in the pond i pretty sure it drys up to much. there's frog and snakes and bears.


Well-Known Member
im not afraid of work. i didn't take any pictures. but its a old mine. no one goes in there. i made sure of that the gold coins i left siting out on some rock havnt moves in two yrs. iv been waiting for the brush to start growing. there is water in the bottom. with tall grass as tall as me. i hoping to plant next yr. if i dig a ditch and fill it with grass and let it root tell next season. you think it well be enough. i dont want to get seen going in
someone saw me
riding the other day but they didn't see me go in. and its not like no one rides around that area. no gravel around
just clay
. some poplar trees and brush. im going to take in a few bags of soil. but im looking for other ideas. what i do is hang some feed bags in my garage with mushroom soil tell it drys out and gets real light then i take it in. makes it a lot easier.
how much gypusm show be used i heard you can put to much in.
ground is already alkaline
im planing on using some sulfer to change that.
i cant get to close to the grass i can get some but
its deep and i cant take a chance
of sinking. had a friend when i was 12 jump in and went right up to his chest
if i wasn't there he would of been dead
i was thinking of doing a raised bed out of logs right at the edge of the water. and filling with grass sticks and clay and ass much soil as i can bring in.

i wish it had fish in the pond i pretty sure it drys up to much.
there's frog and snakes and bears
Sounds like a fucken horror movie,Is this spot really worth it??? can you pick a different location?
im working a simalr spots hauling soil in backpacks on the dirtbike though prety remote have five sep gardens of 3-5 plants waist high at each spot all clones exp one plot of 8 from seed does seem to stay extra wet still around the plants but last summer here in p.a. was so dry im hopeing this helps me good luck to ya all


Well-Known Member
Yes it's worth it. No one well find them. Road goes in to mine it's a mile long dead end road. Pit was minded 15 +hrs ago. It's patroled. No one fucks around back there. At least no one that don't live right next to it. There's no where to hide a vehical for miles. They won't chase you into the woods. As soon as a dirt bike path pops up it gets blocked up. And they wrest them. Everyone gave up going in. But I have access. From my land it's just a far trip. And the fround is shirt.