Identification issue, photos included, help needed!


Active Member
Hi there,
I put some pictures up about a week ago but it was hard to tell tell the difference in those photos so I am posting some more. This is my first grow so I am unsure about these things. I am growing two plants and both came from bagseed, which is why I find it hard to believe one plant could be sativa dominant (plant on left) and the other indica dominant (plant on right). Can anyone put a rough guess into when these plants would be ready for harvest? My guess is about 3 weeks. Thank you for your help.



Well-Known Member
hey bud, i think you have your sativa and indica confused



your indica could be almost ready now; i dont know how old it is or how long its been flowering, but they tipically finish in about 8 weeks. i can tell its on its last legs because its losing most of its fan leafs. depending on its age, this one is almost ready for the chop

the sativa can take 9-12 weeks, so this one is not as close to being ready


Well-Known Member
They both look fairly Indica dominate to me, and I say this from looking at mostly just the bottom leaves of both plants... How long you been flowering? And are they growing outside? You still got some time on your hands before the chop if you ask me... I still see just straight white pistles... And what nutes you usin?


Active Member
Hi there, thank you very much for your responses.

Plant b has been flowering for about 6 weeks. Plant a started to flower maybe a week after that. I realise these both look fairly indica dominant, but I just cant work out why plant a looks so much more 'lankier' than plant b. Both have been growing outside and getting the same treatment i.e. 4-5 organic 10-10-10 fertiliser apps during vegetation and 3 blackstrap molasses apps throughout the flowering cycle. I just went out and checked them now and the pistils on both plants are turning a rusty colour. This is the only place I am noticing a colour change and cant really tell if the trichs are changing colour yet. Does 6 weeks sound a little too quick for all this to be happening. Im looking to harvest earlier rather than later as I am looking for that more cerebal energetic high. I was told a good indicator for harvest was when the small bud leaves get kinda crispy and turn upwards. Any thoughts. As its my first grow I am pretty nervous about this stage of the process!! haha. Thanks once again for your help.


Well-Known Member
Ok so here's the thing. The reason they aren't growing the same is because they're different plants. Doesn't matter if they're the same strain, they're 2 completely different plants, and they really do look a LOT alike! It's like if you were to have 2 different puppies... Just because they're both Pitbulls doesn't mean they're going to grow at the exact same rate, the exact same height, and the exact same weight. Everything varies...

Here's an example for you. These 2 germinated the same day. I got both the seeds from the same sac I bought. I planted the exact same time, in the exact same pots, in the exact same soil, with the exact same nutes, and transplanted at the exact same time, and water with the same amount at the exact same time! These 2 plants have been grown and cared for exactly the same as each other. And look at them. The one on the right looks about 2/3 the size of the other. Thats just how it goes man. They're each they're own individual plant and grow differently at different rates. (The smaller one did get burnt while I was away on vacation last week, but it was smaller than the larger one at that point anyways)

And about the reddening of some of the hairs. This is right around the time I'd expect it to be happening.

