Identify Me!

dude who cares what it is. best bet is to wait till you can smoke it, get really fuckin high and say, ehhh this feels and tastes kinda like ________. bam, name it rite there on the spot. i grew these seeds once, just random ass seeds. planted them just for the hell of it. they came up ALL female and i swear to god they smelt like sausage! who knows what the hell it was, id look at it before i smoked it sometimes and wonder but as soon as i got high id mostly just wonder why it smelt like sausage. so just smoke your plant and be happy you dont know what it is and that you got fresh smoke. if you must know, i did name the plants. called it jd spice lol for jimmy dean sausages and spice because it had a bit of spice to its smell and taste. oh and by the way, theres no possible way for you to know what it is, infact the picture you show is probably a totaly different than what your even growing lol just name it and have fun

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i agree as much as i live to put a name to my unnamed buds morso i just love to smoke them :bigjoint: and that smoke it and then _______ bam thats the name thats what you do!


Active Member
Call it question mark or just '?'. Mind you my first thought on seeing the picture was, 'that looks just like Top Dawg'.
really hard to tell what a strain is by the phenotype alone. i wish there was a magic genotyping machine that could tell u automatically, just put in a leaf cutting...come on technology...but i would say the fan leaves in the pic are looking pretty sativa... depends how tall it is growing, if its shorter than it could be a hybrid. i can for sure see how it looks like a kush strain though. the strain looks really frosty. we could probably debate for hours on this forum as to the strain type unfortunately.
I make this magic genetic identifier you speak of