Identifying female 1st sex calyx monster huge!


Hello all!Iam growing 3 different strains (Greenhouse Church,Crystal and one seed that I had put away from god knows when from personal smoke).I was looking a the 1st caylx on every branch node of all 3 plants with my mag glass like I always do!Today I saw something that blew me away with my personal strain.The sex calyx's on the church and the crystal are about the size of a copper bb(normal).The calyx's on the personal strain are the size of a green pea(I SHIT YOU NOT).What types of strains produce this monster calyx other than trainwreck?I'm for sure she is SATIVA dominant I can tell by her slender skinny leaves.I've taken a few pictures and put them up on here but the camera can't show you the detail of whats going on.I've been growing for 20 years and I've never seen a strain with such FAT THICK WHITE HAIRS that turn a bright orange and she is white with trichromes and so much STICKIER than the church or crystal strains.To be honest I have 3 gorgeous plants but all I can focus on is this plant.The other two get attention but this plant BLOWS THEM OUT OF THE WATER(if u barely touch it ur sticky as hell).Help me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez pro's I want this strain again(or something close).Thanks!