If bud were legalized what would you do?


Well-Known Member
well laced and unlaced confectioneries would be available but the Bud Bat would have a real menu of food. Most of it would be finger food like hamburgers and sandwiches but for those 1-2 am toker there would be breakfast items like eggs and pancakes and stuff. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Kant, dont forget the projection tv with some sci-fi flicks playing
well that might come eventually but i'm speaking realistically...sort of. so there's no way i'd be able to afford it right from the beginning.


Master of Mayhem
I would continue to smoke just like I do now, but I would be doing it out in the open. Wouldn't it kick ass to be able to go to a convenient store and say "Um yeah...let me get a pack of the chronic full flavor non filtered"!


Well-Known Member
lol, if it became legal i would want to invest in it in some way, shape, or form. However Im pretty sure if it became legalized, tabacco companies would jump all over it, and within 6 months they would have a monopoly on all of it. Seeing as how they would legalize the distribution, but probs not the growing. Because they cant tax it. Theyll make you get a something like a DBA, like it would be if you had a real business. It would be a complete pain in the ass, not to mention cost of pot would plunge. Honestly, i dont know if i would even want it legalized. I mean dont get me wrong, we all want it legal. But it would be such a pain in the ass. thats just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
could be your worst nightmare..... imagine if they made it legal to smoke but cultivation was illegal. I would be signin up for that commercial growers licens asap.


Well-Known Member
if they legalized it.. theyll wind up sellin it like cigarettes probly.. cud be cheaper then what u get it for today or more expensive


Too many brownies
If it were legalized all of the large ciggarette companies and a few others would have the market completely covered...Theres actually a few large companies with plans and funding that are ready to go as soon as they get the ok.

So in otherwords you wouldnt see many small business's profiting off of it....same as tobacco.


Well-Known Member
If it were legalized all of the large ciggarette companies and a few others would have the market completely covered...Theres actually a few large companies with plans and funding that are ready to go as soon as they get the ok.

So in otherwords you wouldnt see many small business's profiting off of it....same as tobacco.
they might have a monopoly on the pre-rolled business but they're not gonna have any effect on the Bud Bat Cafe:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If it were legalized all of the large ciggarette companies and a few others would have the market completely covered...Theres actually a few large companies with plans and funding that are ready to go as soon as they get the ok.

So in otherwords you wouldnt see many small business's profiting off of it....same as tobacco.
Maybe, but the beer industry has been infiltrated by the Micro breweries, and that is the type of business I would prefer anyways. Selling it to conniseurs!


Master of Mayhem
could be your worst nightmare..... imagine if they made it legal to smoke but cultivation was illegal. I would be signin up for that commercial growers licens asap.
I doubt that...I mean, it's not illegal to grow tobacco or brew your own beer right?