if i do use miracle gro...


Active Member
You can probably use it, just watered down to about quarter strength. I didn't have a good experience with it. Burnt everything.


Well-Known Member
no need to make it "better". maybe a bit of 'superthrive". use a 10-15-10 for veg and then any of the mg or shultz specific to flowering when you're ready. its a plant that flowers. this shit works great.you may wanna start half strength and work up but other than that no worries. use the liquids not the beads with the time release.
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Well-Known Member
I tend to add perlite to all mixes. Air is good for da roots.

Some like the MG Organic soil, Others like the Moisture Control.

Fletch like the MC, so I figured good enough for me. Worked well I feel. The MC does have nutes, so I didn't use nutes for quite a while.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
people knock the miracle grow, i have only had 2 grows, both with MG moisture control, and i saw no nute burning or anything. the bag says it has a 3 month supply of nutrients, and thats exactly how long i wait to add anything else. its not perfect, but it is easy


Well-Known Member
I believe most peoples problem with MG soil with nutes is starting seeds with it. A new seedling has nutes for a month and using a soil with nutes at that time causes a nute burn to start with, not a good start.


Well-Known Member
wussupperz!? hey, yea mg is CAN be good shit, if u do it right. use 80% mg 20% perlite. also u don't need any other nutes, how do i know..well i have had only one grow but i didn't really use any bloom nutes and my shit came out coo'! i did use some sugar in the raw though!lol! mg is hot enough and has enough nutes to produce buds. dont believe me look a smb's book buds for less! holla! :peace:


Well-Known Member
true, but i heard 2 that the organic mg has vermiculite in it that contains abestos! some vermiculite does contain abestos! just what i heard! better safe than sorry :peace:


Well-Known Member
Asbestos is hazardous to breath, but I don't think that means it's harmful to smoke plants grown in vermiculite.


Well-Known Member
u sure? okay, look at this... if u raised cows to eat and drink milk from and you feed them small traces of posion, would u still eat them and drink their milk? :confused: LOL! :peace:

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
MG is a decent soil and you can grow some good herbs with it. Just be careful and don't go adding a bunch of nutes. When I used it, I found that the nutes were only good for the 1st 3-4 weeks. The starins I was growing really needed nutes by the 4th week. Just go easy and lsiten to your plants.

As was already stated, use 25-30% perilite and I found adding dolamite lime...about 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil. It really helps with the ph. I also added epsom salts as well. Don't know how much it helped but it certainly did not hurt.

I now use Foxfarms Ocean and Warrior because I have easy access to it. If I ever have to, I would use MG again. Good luck.