If I was a Palestinian


Well-Known Member
I frequently hear the question asked about what I would do if I was a Palestinian and an occupying force had allegedly stolen my land and done all these awful things, what I would do.

If I was in a situation similar to the Palestinians today my first priority would be to find a way to relocate. If that were not possible, I would do what I could to make peace with my neighbors. I would appeal to their humanity and their good nature to help us create better conditions for ourselves and to treat us fairly.

I would also realize that while violence and war are sometimes necessary, terrorizing a civilian population serves no purpose except to harm the innocent and harden hearts. I would argue that save for revenge, there is no point at all in killing innocent people when it can not possibly accomplish anything.

Even if things got so bad that I was compelled to join a group of resistance fighters and wage war on an occupying force, I would never agree to commit acts of terror.

In fact, my decision to join or support such a group would come only after considering the possibility of success and the loss that would be involved weighed against the potential gain. If we were in a position in which we were fighting against a far superior army, and would need to raise all of our children to become human bombs that would strike the civilian population I would certainly push for a different course of action. Such techniques are reminiscent of the old story "the judgment of Solomon." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judgment_of_Solomon. In any case, if there is no possibility of winning, there is no purpose in fighting. If the outcome will be the same, why choose the more bloody path?

No, if I were a Palestinian, I would try to show my fellow Arabs the error of their ways. I would try to convince them that what they have been doing since the beginning has only made things worse. I would try to convince them that the best course of action is to take what ever land we can get as our homeland and we should focus our efforts on building a country instead of making war on our neighbors.

I would argue that once we build our own country we could normalize relations with our wealthy neighbors and we could work with them toward common interests and goals. After all, I would argue, the Israelis have so much to offer should we befriend them. I would even argue that our best choice would be to tell Israel to take all the land and make us citizens.

I would also point out that we have received billions of dollars in aid and could all be living high on the hog had our own leaders not stolen all of the money and used us as canon fodder for so many years.

I would point out that we were already given a home in Jordan which is entirely Palestinian land. Instead of making our home there and living in peace and prosperity, we let our hatred and our blood lust ruin it for us. We even waged war on our new host nation specifically because they chose the path of peace, which we should have, instead of war. We had peace, we had a homeland and we blew it due to our belligerent ways. We should have learned our lesson then.

If I were a Palestinian, I would try to convince my fellow Palestinians that the best way to move foreword is simply to lay down our arms and to embrace peace. And I would surely be executed.


Well-Known Member
This thread proves you have a severe lack of sympathy.

Not a single thing you listed is realistic, and you basically said all the Palestinians should lay down and submit to Israeli rule.

Perhaps you should relocate to the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, live the life of a Palestinian and put your proposals fourth. It might actually benefit you to walk the walk, instead of always talking the talk.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
If I were a South Texan i would think this thread is only going to lead to insults and bad feelings between members who have way different views and family in those reigns, wait i am South Texan and i do believe this


Active Member
If I was a Palestinian........

No-one can imagine what it is like to be a Palestinian, to have your home, you freedom and everything you own taken away from you.
You accuse the Palestinians of waging a war of terror on innocent civilians but have you ever been to the west bank? I have as my family live there. I can tell you from personal experience that it is the Isrealis that are waging a war of terror on innocent Palestinian civilians.

Innocent Palestinians are being killed every day by the Isreali army soldiers and by the Isreali army stopping vital food, electricity and medical supplies from getting through. So please, do not patronise by imagining what you would do if you were a Palestinian.

There is so much more I could say to you but I feel as though I will be wasting my time.


Well-Known Member
If I was a Palestinian........

No-one can imagine what it is like to be a Palestinian, to have your home, you freedom and everything you own taken away from you.
You accuse the Palestinians of waging a war of terror on innocent civilians but have you ever been to the west bank? I have as my family live there. I can tell you from personal experience that it is the Isrealis that are waging a war of terror on innocent Palestinian civilians.

Innocent Palestinians are being killed every day by the Isreali army soldiers and by the Isreali army stopping vital food, electricity and medical supplies from getting through. So please, do not patronise by imagining what you would do if you were a Palestinian.

There is so much more I could say to you but I feel as though I will be wasting my time.

And you know what it is like to be a Israeli huh...

How about all the Israeli being blown up by the Palestinians...


Well-Known Member
And you know what it is like to be a Israeli huh...

How about all the Israeli being blown up by the Palestinians...
it's NOT easy for either group. being hard for Palestinians doesn't mean it's not hard for Israelis. it's EASIER for Americans to believe Israel is peerless, holy and altruistic.... again, since nobody wants to even look...how about the white phosphorus used on Palestinian civilian population?



Active Member
Free the Palestinians

Unite as one, let the people have the power.

Not the power rule the people.

And to be realistic, Israel are bullies.

And if it's over religion, they need to realise that god is the sun, it's just interpretation and plaguerism of an Egyptian religion.


Well-Known Member
Good thoughts but unrealistic. If you were born into a Pali family, you would be indoctrinated from a very young age to hate Jews and Israel.
Lol - that I can agree with. I meant, if I was a rational person with a healthy mind in that situation.

Too bad people can't stop and think about what I wrote instead of automatically repeating false Arab propaganda. I think I made some excellent points. But when information, however false, is presented that can be used against Jews, few people care if the information is accurate. If it is anti-Jew it is enough for them.

So, I guess the fact that 100% of the Arab-Israeli conflict ultimately stems from Muslim anti-Semitism and Muslim belligerence and the fact that it was 100% avoidable had the Muslims simply chosen peace, is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
it's NOT easy for either group. being hard for Palestinians doesn't mean it's not hard for Israelis. it's EASIER for Americans to believe Israel is peerless, holy and altruistic.... again, since nobody wants to even look...how about the white phosphorus used on Palestinian civilian population?

That brings up another monumentally unethical practice of the Palestinians. The use of human shields. No other group of people have ever used such a tactic in any war. The Arabs actually try to draw fire into the civilian areas so that their own people are killed. They do this because it makes for great propaganda like that which you are posting. I personally asked a Muslim about this and he said the people killed for propaganda purposes are in fact "sacrificed for the good of Islam." In other words, he was saying that when they hide weapons in a school, fire rockets from the roof and draw fire to the school, the deaths of the kids inside are not immoral, but they are in fact martyrs in a jihad which is an honor.

In keeping with the theme, were I in a similar situation, there is no way I would take part in such practices. If I were in a similar situation and I knew my actions would draw fire upon my people, I would find another way.

As far as white phosphorus - I don't know a whole lot about if I was the leader of Israel and the following took place I would probably drop a MOAB in the center of their most densely populated areas and then tell them that such actions would double with each subsequent terrorist act.

15 people were killed, including 7 children, and about 130 were injured in a suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria at the corner of King George Street and Jaffa Road in downtown Jerusalem. Concealing the explosives in a guitar case which he had carried with him into Jerusalem, the terrorist entered the restaurant just before 2 PM and detonated the bomb. The 5 kg.-10 kg. bomb, which was packed with nails, screws, and bolts to ensure maximum damage, completely gutted the restaurant, which was full of lunchtime diners.
The terrorist was killed in the blast. His controller was on the list of wanted terrorists submitted by Israel to the Palestinians Authority this week. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.


Well-Known Member
Another thing I certainly wouldn't do is indoctrinate children with hate and the desire to become suicide bombers.


And I loved this one - those kids are so cute in their little costumes. How could any parent not be proud!


Here is another one that can't help but bring a smile to your face. How can anyone expect peace when this is what they teach their children?


And here is a cleric with a whole other take on the whole Arab-Israeli conflict. Really, he is the most honest of all of them.



New Member
If I was a Palestinian........

No-one can imagine what it is like to be a Palestinian, to have your home, you freedom and everything you own taken away from you.
You accuse the Palestinians of waging a war of terror on innocent civilians but have you ever been to the west bank? I have as my family live there. I can tell you from personal experience that it is the Isrealis that are waging a war of terror on innocent Palestinian civilians.

Innocent Palestinians are being killed every day by the Isreali army soldiers and by the Isreali army stopping vital food, electricity and medical supplies from getting through. So please, do not patronise by imagining what you would do if you were a Palestinian.

There is so much more I could say to you but I feel as though I will be wasting my time.
I assure you you would be wasting your time. Rick white is a prejudiced mind locked individual with no ability to feel compassion for others. His miriad of posts continuously reinforce this on a daily basis. JMHO.


Well-Known Member
yes, rw seems to think they aren't human. the White Phosphorus is a war crime whether or not there were human shields. nice try though.


Well-Known Member
No, if I were a Palestinian, I would try to show my fellow Arabs the error of their ways. I would try to convince them that what they have been doing since the beginning has only made things worse. I would try to convince them that the best course of action is to take what ever land we can get as our homeland and we should focus our efforts on building a country instead of making war on our neighbors.
So, I guess the fact that 100% of the Arab-Israeli conflict ultimately stems from Muslim anti-Semitism and Muslim belligerence and the fact that it was 100% avoidable had the Muslims simply chosen peace, is irrelevant.
As far as white phosphorus - I don't know a whole lot about if I was the leader of Israel and the following took place I would probably drop a MOAB in the center of their most densely populated areas and then tell them that such actions would double with each subsequent terrorist act.
WOW what can i say to that apart from rofl rick you fail at this thread you have proven without doubt that you cannot even for a second "think like a palestinian" shit man it seem you cant even think they're human for a second


Active Member
Kinda like my situation, North Americas population 1491 - 100% Native American, 2010 pop. less than 1%, there are more indians with DOTs than Indians with FEATHERS in NA...ethnic cleansing at its fullest.


Well-Known Member
And yet not a single word about the videos I posted or the hundreds more like them one can easily view on the internet.

What this thread is proving with monumental success is that when faced with the facts of the situation - facts that are overwhelming, undeniable and incredible, some people simply WANT to blame the Jews and will stop at nothing to do so. The absurdity of their views is irrelevant to them and no matter what is presented to them, they will not change their minds.

If one can view videos of an entire culture raising their children for the sole purpose of annihilating another group of people and not be appalled by it or even swayed by it, there can be zero doubt that the person is motivated by hatred.


Well-Known Member
And yet not a single word about the videos I posted or the hundreds more like them one can easily view on the internet.
You've gotta know by now how many insane ass Christian nutjobs put out videos too buddy, I've actually dedicated my own thread to it - https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/291100-products-creationism.html

So why is it OK for you to say something like "that's not indicative of Christianity, that's just a few nutty Christians" but I can't say the same thing about the videos you posted and Islam? What's the difference?

What this thread is proving with monumental success is that when faced with the facts of the situation - facts that are overwhelming, undeniable and incredible, some people simply WANT to blame the Jews and will stop at nothing to do so. The absurdity of their views is irrelevant to them and no matter what is presented to them, they will not change their minds.
What it proves is that you can take an entire people and culture that has been around for centuries and generalize them all into "terrorist" because your racism towards Arab people is clouding your judgment.

If one can view videos of an entire culture raising their children for the sole purpose of annihilating another group of people and not be appalled by it or even swayed by it, there can be zero doubt that the person is motivated by hatred.
Fuck you're so stupid dude, what the hell do you think Christianity is doing? Indoctrinating our youth to go annihilate another group of people, and look at you, what you're doing, endorsing it.