If I'm elected president... (drugs to be legalized)


Well-Known Member
Safety Class .......... TYRANT
Education, Just being educated on the bad things, and good things, is not a bad thing. If anyone was educated on what every drug did, how high of an addiction rating it may carry for average users and real statistics on it all, how to prevent overdose, what to NOT mix with things. Just make it available? anyone to dumb to remain in the dark would deserve any od they may or may not get, for simply being stupid.

Only children do any drug without care of how it may effect them. Adults should know better, and research extensively on whatever drug there curious about, and also take there medical and health history into mind. Someone with a bad heart condition should probably not be doing mdma, amphetamines, or cocaine...


Well-Known Member
Im not nockind education , I just dont think it should me mandated to use certan substances

Honestly I think if drugs were leaglised they would become more 'out in the open' and most people could see the effects it has or does not , I think this alone would rival any grade school health classes / dare . This would happenFor FREE without stepping on anyones freedoms