if you had to torture someone. HOW?


Well-Known Member
zip tie the fingers and toes till they blow up like 5x the norm, then hit them with a hammer


Freeze them all the way up to their necks, and force them to watch abc comedies for 6 months.


Needle nose pliers, finger nails. Pluck em out one... by one.



Put them a padded cell for the rest of their life. When the person passes out I would slip in just enough food for the person to survive. For the rest of that person life.
maybe you could throw my idea of making them watch horrible abc comedies into that mix? I'd go fuckin crazy.
Psychological torture is the worst kind. Because eventually the pain would end if you physically torture them. But the only way to enhance isolation varieties of torture is with short, never-ending, stimulation. Like a single verse of a song being played over and over again at high volumes. :-)


Psychological torture is the worst kind. Because eventually the pain would end if you physically torture them. But the only way to enhance isolation varieties of torture is with short, never-ending, stimulation. Like a single verse of a song being played over and over again at high volumes. :-)
Imagine hearing Whassupp! I'm Bruno! over and over again in a padded cell...


Well-Known Member
Mid-evil torture is the best mixed with a little new age water boarding and a hell of a lot of sleep dep. Then chain he or she to the grown and grow a bambo plant their body hahahaHA


Well-Known Member
Did you ever see law abiding citizen?
He tortured the guy that killed his wife and kid in that shit.
He paralyzed him but he could still feel everything and cut his eyelids off so he couldn't look away pretty sick shit it didn't show it all though but they described it later on.